Samuel Kessel

This professor has taught: FGSM320, HNUH328T, HONR378E, UNIV348P
Information Review
Samuel Kessel

Expecting an A+
Dr. Kessel is one of the most engaging professors I have had. As a former Assistant Surgeon General, he has great insight into public policy. Although the seminar is a bit unconventional, it was one of the only classes where I found myself interested at all times and the assignments useful.
Samuel Kessel

Dr. Kessel is great. I took his honors seminar during my sophomore year because I was curious about public health. The workload (when I took the course) consisted of reading and summarizing a public health related article each week, and a public health brief, along with a group project/presentation on a controversial public health issue. No exams. Very reasonable and fair. This class really got me more seriously interested in public health (planning now to get an MPH). Dr. Kessel is a former Assistant to the Surgeon General- he graduated college with an electrical engineering degree, but went back to school to get his MD after getting into medicine. He is a pediatrician, and above all else a wonderful advocate for children's health, who was key in getting some very important children's healthcare legislature passed in Congress. He is fully aware people pick his class because of the proportion of A's, and he doesn't try to cover that up. I came into the class during a lot of the major healthcare reform bills, and it really helped me get a grasp on what "Obamacare" really was and what was legit/what was just gossip and heresay. Also let me wrap my head around HMO's, PPO's and all the other healthcare jargon that gets bandied about so much. Great teacher, solid seminar.
Samuel Kessel

Expecting an A
Awesome professor. The class consisted of talking about current stories in the news that were relevant for class and then going through the days designated topic. From the mid point of the semester onward, students would teach the class about a relevant issue of their choice in debate format (2 to a side), while Professor Kessel would chime in when necessary and eventually resume control of the class once the debate died down. There were 2 papers, but as long as you follow his outline you'll be fine. I would HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone looking for an interesting honors seminar to take.