John Kim

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL101S, ENGL391, ENGL392, ENGL394
Information Review
John Kim

Expecting an A+
Nice guy, and the class is super easy now, since he structured so that he doesn't actually give out letter grades for assignments. It's a contract grading system, so pretty much if you do what the prompt says and show effort, you'll be fine. The class being so easy is nice, but as a result, you don't come away with much knowledge about legal writing or law school, even though that's a stated goal of the course. Kim seems pretty knowledgable about the material, but often gets sidetracked and just doesn't really engage the class that much. But again, it's a class that you don't have to stress about at all.
John Kim

Expecting an A-
A genuinely kind professor who cares about his students and does a lot to make the learning experience fun.