Gananand Kini

This professor has taught: ENPM664, ENPM680, ENPM809I, ENPM809W
Information Review
Gananand Kini

Expecting an A
A very hard-working professor, although the homework is a little bit too much. If you don't have any program skills, there might be a hard time for you. If you can create some kind of project using c#, the homework won't look that hard. The course is well organized, but student needs to learn background knowledges by themselves. For example, one of the homework is doing a SQL injection, and you have to learn SQL before doing such attack. I would not recommend the students who doesn't have program experience to learn this, but encourage those who have confidence in themselves to have a try. The grading is fair, the teacher will not deduct your point if your answer is reasonable but not the same as the standard answer.