Kenneth Klotz

This professor has taught: KNES144Q, KNES144R, KNES144T
Information Review
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
A great professor to learn martial arts from! You can tell he is extremely experienced and relates a lot of what he is teaching to real life. Day-to-day instruction involves learning both traditional and modern martial arts while exams consist of a skills and written test (both super fair and easy). One thing to note is that this class is extremely similar to self-defense (nearly identical) so if one is an 8:00AM, I'd recommend signing up for whichever class (between karate and self-defense) is later.
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
Mr. Klotz is a fantastic, kind, helpful teacher. Highly recommend taking his class if you ever have the chance to. He teaches a lot of different moves and is always patient and helpful if you are having trouble in class. Attendance is the biggest part of the grade, but he offers extra credit.
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
I was a student who took both karate and self defense with Klotz in the same semester. To put short it, those two classes were the best classes I have ever taken at UMD. He made the class so interesting and fun, as well as helped foster a sense of self-efficacy in all his students. Klotz is passionate about martial arts and he knows how to teach. These two classes I truly enjoyed going to each week. I wish this man nothing but the best, and I'll truly miss going to his class
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
Mr. Klotz is awesome!! To anyone who can take this class, take the class!! You learn practical stuff you can use out on the street and also non-practical stuff that's very martial arts heavy (things you’ve seen in movies or you’d only use in a dojo setting). He always likes to bring stuff back to reality and give you real-life situations. There are times when class is very serious but also times when he cracks jokes and we all can have a laugh! He is so kind and really cares about his students! Attendance is mandatory- basically the largest part of your grade so don’t skip. You have 1 excused absence (points won't be deducted) and up to 6 total absences where after that you are dropped from the class. He gives extra credit opportunities- can volunteer to run a warm-up, attend a martial arts tournament, compete in a martial arts tournament, and win one or both of the 2 in-class competitions. The rest of your grade is made up of the written and skills midterm and final. For the skills tests just make sure you practice outside of class. He uploads videos breaking down/demonstrating all the skills, which was super helpful to go back and watch! For the written tests he gives a study guide so make sure you understand everything on that and ask questions. Everything is pretty straightforward tho. Overall, I had a great time in this class and even though getting up for an 8:00am is rough I’m so glad I did it!
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
easy A, nice and good karate instructor. just show up to class since that's most of the points. the written exams aren't difficult and there are extra credit opportunities during the semester.
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
I took self-defense with Mr. Klotz. I am definitely not one of the best at karate, my skills are in fact pretty bad. However, I found the class to be mostly enjoyable and a learning experience. As long as you come to class everyday, practice a little outside of class, and do the extra credit you should manage an A. He definitely likes to see people succeed and is always willing to help you perfect your moves. I would recommend this class and instructor, however it's not for the lazy people that regularly miss class or come late.
Kenneth Klotz

Expecting an A
Ken Klotz is, in short, one of best instructors I've ever had. Learning karate was fun in itself, but the way he taught the class truly inspired me to study martial arts for the rest of my life. He's got an answer for any question you could think of and he always makes time to help you work on your skills. He cares more about you learning how to intelligently defend yourself than just learning forms and getting a passing grade. The class itself is treated as a lab and attendance is almost 50% of your grade. You're graded on traditional forms, fighting combinations, basic motion, Jujitsu, one-step sparring, and free-sparring, but most of all on effort. If your don't get an A, it's because you've miss a lot of classes. My only gripe with this course is that it's too short (only about an hour or so of actual physical activity). Other than that, I highly recommend it!