Simone-Gunde Kulin

This professor has taught: PHYS275, PHYS276, PHYS375, PHYS405
Information Review
Simone-Gunde Kulin

This isn't much a review for the prof as it is for this class in general w the TAS. Genuinely having the worst experience with the TAS and their grading. The averages on the notebooks, which are 50% of your grade, are consistently 70s, which should say something. I am spending hours on these lab reports for a 2 credit class and am struggling to get higher than an 80 on these lab reports. They also take forever to grade so by the time I can review what I messed up in a previous lab, I've submitted several other labs so I cant improve much with my work.
Simone-Gunde Kulin

Expecting an A
Professor Kulin is decent. The main complaint I have is that she doesn't enjoy answering questions because she unreasonably expects you to know what she knows. She doesn't understand that we are learning the material for the first time for the most part. She's decent at helping you understand conceptually what's happening in the circuits, though. There is one "project" which is a mock research paper on lab 3, which is about diodes. There are homeworks (other than pre-labs) that involve finishing parts of this paper. She'll put comments on your HWs and then not properly explain them. I think she doesn't completely understand significant figures, which I feel is a problem with a lot of physicists/astronomers. I'm not sure what she wants but it apparently isn't what is taught in chemistry. The class isn't that difficult but MAKE SURE that you always state, in complete sentences and in markdown, all measurements with uncertainty. This was not properly communicated at the beginning of the course. The labs are not bad, and they're pretty interesting. You learn useful skills in the class. The TA grades all the labs, so your grade's accuracy is mostly dependent on how good the TA is. My TA was not great. There was one exam, which was the "final exam" (though it happens the week before finals). You get a few extra minutes at the end to finish up, if you need. There are two parts: 1.) building a simple circuit, taking data on it, and analyzing that data, and 2.) a written part about the different circuits/components you learned about. The first part is pretty easy; just make sure you know how ground and the ground isolation unit works. You will most likely need to use the ground isolation unit. The written part was ok overall, but some of the questions were curveballs. For example, when you use the oscilloscope, the different channels have different colors, and this is the main way in which you identified different channels. One of the exam questions was an image of the oscilloscope screen in black and white, and you had to identify the channels using other information on the screen. She gave us equations and things to know on some slides, but it should have included more info. One example is the formula for phase shift between two functions/oscilloscope channels, which you should probably already know, but anyway it should have been included. It's ωΔt = 2*pi*f*Δt. On the day of the exam, she mentioned that the exam should be something you don't really have to study for, and one that you should be able to just walk in and do well on because it's just info we've been doing all semester. It's true that it wasn't bad, but it wasn't trivial either. That just shows how she expects us to have her level of knowledge. I assume she has been in physics for a while, so she should have a lot more experience than her students, and this material will seem more trivial to her; she just doesn't realize that. Overall, it wasn't a bad course and it's not that hard to do well in, but it'd likely be better with Brian Clark given his good reviews.
Simone-Gunde Kulin

Expecting an A
I really didn’t enjoy this class.. It wasn’t super difficult and sometimes the content was interesting, but professor Gunde makes you feel stupid when you ask questions and even makes remarks saying she is “cringing” when students answer questions wrong. She yells at students for raising our hands to ask our TA questions at times. Honestly our TA saved us for this class, but take the other profesor if possible..
Simone-Gunde Kulin

Expecting a B
Her labs were relatively easy to follow. Doing the pre-labs for her labs is essential. Only two exams which are both preceded with useful study guides. The TA you get is very important for this course. Overall, she is very nice and willing to let you make up labs on other days. Her accent is slightly difficult to understand but most of her points get across.