George Kurtzweil

This professor has taught: INAG110
Information Review
George Kurtzweil

Expecting a B+
as someone who hates presenting and speeches, take this class with george! he is the best and makes it really easy to succeed, even if youre not the best presenter. truly cannot recommend him enough. just show up to class and put in the work for your speeches and you'll be fine!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Every single review about this man is correct. Absolutely love George just take the man already. One of the best professors I've ever had he truly can brighten up your day. I am a bit of a nervous speaker but honestly, George makes me forget about how nervous I am by showing the class his scuba diving videos or stories from his (crazy) childhood. Fantastic professor, great guy, great halloween costumes, beautiful Christmas suits, and someone please buy this man a new iPhone because he deserves it.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
just attend class and put in some work, you'll get an easy A 😊 though attendance isn't mandatory, you can easily get on his good side if u show up often. very fun and chill professor!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
if you show up to most classes and put in some effort, you're basically guaranteed an A (even if you're not the best at giving speeches). show up to class to make george smile :-)
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
This guy is amazing and the class is a cakewalk if you practice the speeches for like 20 minutes the night before you do them. Don't skip class too often because you may have a participation assignment for big points but honestly if you miss 1 you'll probably still get an A in the class. To not get an A on the 4 big speeches you would literally have to commit a crime against George, and the homework's and quizzes are 10 minute easy assignments. Would absolutely recommend.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is a kind professor who cares about every one of his students. In this class, you really only have to put in some effort and try (even if you hate public speaking). He is not looking for perfection, only effort and self-reflection, which makes it much easier to actually learn and improve your public speaking skills. His classroom is a very chill, nonjudgmental environment. I recommend taking INAG with George!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
For reference, I review all my professors, and my average review is 4.2, 4.13 weighted by credit. Before day 1, he emailed us saying he wasn't your typical UMD professor. Yeah, he was right about that one! I'll write a full review since I'm bored, but you don't need to read past this line. Singularities/Unique because: - He's more of a guy at the front desk somewhere than a professor. You can walk up to him, roast him in front of the class, and he'll laugh as hard as everyone else and probably throw a few bonus points your way. - Wisconsin native, loves scuba diving and other fine points of life. A background rooted in enjoying life, not being the most professional professor possible or something. Ask him about it sometime! Like I said, he's fun to talk to, and to him, you're fun to talk to, too. - Course content is self-guided, and it's up to you how much you want to read about what are actually some interesting topics. You won't have to talk much about them in class or anything. INAG w/ George is the opposite of a content-crammer. - Don't worry about walking'll get out 20% early every day when speeches, the group activity, or the occasional brief lecture are over. George doesn't want to be there any more than you do. You'll probably like: - the low-pressure atmosphere all of this creates. It's still rewarding to do well on speeches though, because they're not automatic 100s. - Quizzes are two-take, see which questions you got wrong after the first one. You may be frustrated by: - 99% of you won't care, and I only did a tiny bit, but if you're someone who is really dying to learn a ton about this topic, say for personal experience, or just the fact that your major probably doesn't have many classes like "INAG110" in it, then you won't be getting a ton of lecturing and new material. You can certainly dive really deep into the material; it's all provided from the day ELMS opens for the semester, but it will certainly have to be self-guided. eeeeeeeeeeeee
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
The vast majority of your grade comes from the 4 speeches, and he's a pretty chill grader. Everything I lost points on was things I genuinely screwed up, but I've given some pretty terrible speeches (from a combination of anxiety + lack of preparation) and still have never gotten lower than a 90%, which still pretty much guarantees you an A in the class. The rest of your grade comes from easy assignments, and any of the chapter quizzes can be finished in minutes with control+f. The final is also pass/fail and is only like 3 questions about the class. George himself is also really chill and kind! He makes class interesting enough that you will actually want to go, but he doesn't care if you don't as long as you still show up to speech days. He also tends to end class early or cancel it altogether. He's also very accommodating if you just talk to him. Take George!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is one of the best and most engaging instructors I have ever had. If you are planning on taking INAG110, definitely take it with George!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is the best teacher ever GOAT, I love how he gets personal with his students and he is just himself. If you have the chance take the course with George as he is the GOAT INAG teacher.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
This guy is the GOAT Professor!! It was always a blast to come to the classes and is super laid-back, flexible, and doesn't assign much work outside of speeches. I would highly recommend taking INAG with George!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is awesome! Very kind, very positive and straightforward. There was a week where he was very moody and kinda rude, but I think something was going on in his personal life. If you are not going to talk at all in the class, just take a different professor because you ruin how fun the class could be. In my class there are only three people that talk, myself included, and George likes us. The rest of the class will not speak, and I think George got upset because of how irritating that was. As far as the class goes, you can get super ahead because he posts every assignment throughout the entire semester before classes even begin. It lightens the semester load up a lot, and honestly, I would even do work in his class to procrastinate my work in other classes. Doesn't take much brain power to do well. I highly recommend him, but only if you're going to open your mouth and not sit there like a dead zombie.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Great Professor. Easy class to get the oral communication credit.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is amazing, great teaching style and enjoyed his class!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George was a great professor that actually cares about his students' wellbeing. Not only was he an understanding grader but he truly made you feel heard and supported. I would take him again if I could. He makes every class enjoyable and understands that students have heavy workloads. He responds to emails super fast and is really attentive in class. I felt like I actually learned how to be a better speaker without all the stress of public speaking.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
I loved George, and he was super laid back, the work was at times non existent for this class. Great guy, and made class fun. Please take him!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I hate speeches, but love George. Ends class early often, and sometimes cancels. The lecture feels more like a conversation cuz it's so chill. Just practice your speeches a couple of times and you're good.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is an amazing Professor. He is very generous with grading speeches, and treats this class like the 100 level class its supposed to be. He builds good relationships with his students and creates a positive learning environment every day. There are four speeches which make up the majority of your grade, but if you practice you will be fine. George is there to help you overcome any anxiety you may have. Attending this class is genuinely enjoyable. Take George for this required Gen-Ed, trust me.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the goat. Laid back and barely spent much time preparing for speeches. Take George to get this gen ed out the way stress free
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is a great professor and an even better person. He makes class entertaining and is an understanding professor. He knows that students have other priorities besides INAG110, so the workload is pretty light. The main assignments are 4 speeches throughout the semester. George is a fair grader and I definitely recommend taking comm with him, you won’t regret it and I actually looked forward to attending class because of him
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Amazing professor, makes class interesting and is the easiest A ever please do yourself a favor and take this man!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the GOAT, no questions asked. So great, so chill, so many good stories. I felt comfortable in this class and really enjoyed it. Take George!!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
If you're a student who just wants to get the oral communications gen-ed out of the way in the easiest and simplest way possible, George is your guy, no questions asked. Super chill and laid-back guy, and he understands that students don't exactly prioritize his class over their other classes. In fact, he does not even want you to expend a large amount of time to his class compared to, for example, hard STEM classes. George was more of a friend than a lecturer to his students, and he holds a great presence. All weekly assignments take no more than half an hour total, and the speeches are not even that hard to prepare for. The midterm and final are also absolutely nothing to worry about, and I mean that literally because I don't think anyone will study for that for anything more than 10 minutes honestly. Classes are not mandatory, but you might miss a participation grade or two if you miss a day on a group activity day. I feel like I only went to like 50% of the Friday classes in all honesty. If you do go to class, George does lecture well and straight-forward. Overall, this guy is the absolute best professor I've ever had.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I probably don't even need to write much here; the other reviews sum it up pretty well. There are sometimes weekly textbook readings/quizzes, but these are mostly vocabulary, and they don't take long if you just have the book open while you do them. The speeches are the biggest part of this class. I'm usually annoyed by Gen-Ed type classes, but I think being able to speak in front of an audience is an extremely important skill, and throughout the semester I felt myself getting more confident for the speeches. With George, this class is very chill, and you'll probably make a new friend in class.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is great -- very chill, teaches with personality, makes expectations for speeches clear, and doesn't make the class any more work or more complicated than it needs to be.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A-
George is awesome! This class is definitely one you can BS your way through; very minimal work required besides speeches. In my opinion, he's a bit critical of speeches but overall a fair grader. He is also super understanding. I highly recommend taking George for INAG.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the best professor I've had this semester as a Freshman here at UMD. As long as you treat George with respect, he'll respect you. Not only is he hilarious, he's more than fair with his grading and wants to give every single one of his students a chance to succeed. If you have to take INAG and can take his course, please do so. The workload is light and he is willing to work around YOUR schedule. Not many other professors are willing to make amends, especially if you missed a speech or need to move it to another day. He is one of the few professors that understands that we as students have our own struggles and schedules; his course bottoms out towards finals with practically no work. George is a champ. You'll probably love his course if you take it, especially since he's so chill about everything.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is a very fun, kind, and relaxed professor. Our class always had a very light workload under him and for the few assignments we did get, he was a very fair grader (in my opinion, you'll really have to try to fail in order to get a bad grade in his class). Prof. Kurtzweil always let our class out early and was very understanding when it came to having to reschedule assignments. If you have the option to, TAKE GEORGE KURTZWEIL! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Amazing teacher. I didn't think one of my favorite classes would be a subject I generally hate, but George made it really nice. He's super chill, super funny, and just generally makes class enjoyable. The workload for the class is pretty light, pretty much the only big thing is the actual speeches. There are some occasional reading checks that are basically free points.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I really enjoyed taking this class with George. He is super chill, and managed to make the class super enjoyable! The class is not too much work either. I would definitely recommend that you get your communication gen ed credit with him!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
He is a must-take for this course. He made every class engaging while still holding us to a standard. He is also very chill about most things. Definitely recommend his course!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Amazing and chill professor. Tells a lot of good stories and is super friendly. Easy and fun class. A must take professor.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Very fun class, we didn't meet that often and it was a very light load. George is also a very fair teacher.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Great teacher and very easy grader. The workload is also extremely light. Best way to get gen ed credit.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
I thought this class was going to suck but George actually made it fun. Fair grader and super nice guy
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is so nice and makes public speaking easy even though I hate it. He grades easy and is so fun. You will not regret taking this for you OC gen ed.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
He is literally the most thoughtful human being ever and he actually cares about his students. Class was always engaging and I was so grateful to have had him for INAG110. Take a course with George!!!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is pretty quirky but makes our class really fun and chill. Easy grader, speeches are the biggest grade but he gives out tons of other points with little writing assignments every week. Def take his class if you get the chance its the easiest way to get through that comm get ed
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I hate public speaking but George is able to make class fun and relaxed. He also manages to make the content interesting. Great teacher and easy grader!!