Aaron Kyei-asare

This professor has taught: CMSC106, CMSC122, CMSC131, CMSC395, TLPL101, TLPL401
Information Review
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting a B
Was a good professor for teaching a college class for his first time. Even though the class seemed to be self taught, it is very easy to get a good grade in this class and the discussions were useful. One bad thing about Aaron is that he takes a long time to respond to emails, but he does get to them. Some exams were easy while other exams were slightly difficult. Would recommend Aaron to kids taking cmsc131 if they have prior experience. If you don't have prior experience it will be very difficult at first.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A-
Prof Aaron is a pretty good lecturer; he's really good at keeping the class focused with his wit and humor. He's also just good at teaching, as he often uses real-life analogies/examples to make course concepts easier to understand. His classes are never dull or boring, and he's overall just a chill guy. He also readily answers any in-class questions, giving in-depth answers. However, my main complaint is that assignments and exams take FOREVER to get graded in his class. The quizzes get graded fairly quickly, but you will be left in the dark when it comes to grades on literally every over assignment (projects and exams). A lot of the time, I was unsure of how well I was doing in the class because of the slow grading, making it hard for me to effectively budget how much time and effort I needed for the class. Overall, I'd definitely recommend Professor Aaron. I was extremely inexperienced in coding when I started in his class but I've learned a lot throughout the course. He knows how to make meaningful class projects that are relevant to the class and will actually prepare you for the class exams. Just beware of his super slow grading though.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A
Certified chill guy
Aaron Kyei-asare

Terrible class lectures, grading is very poor, and inconsistent with content being taught. Do not take him.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting a B-
Professor Aaron is a nice dude but that does not mean he is a good professor. Anyone who has no prior cs knowledge will heavily struggle in this class. Exams are pretty difficult compared to Elias. He tells you to review Elias's exams, but his exams are much different. Even though he is a nice guy, I highly suggest to get a different professor if this is your first time taking a cs course.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A
He is a really chill and relaxed professor; he makes lectures pretty engaging but my only issue with him is how long it takes to get our grades back. The final is in 2 hours, and he still has not posted over 300 points worth of grades which is kind of frustrating. If you have no CS experience this class will probably be hard for you, but it should be manageable if you study.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A
Professor Aaron is very chill but I feel that if you are completely new to computer science you will need to rely on self studying. This wasn't a problem for me as I had prior experience, but he frequently cancels class and doesn't spend that much time going in depth on topics. If you ask his TA's or him questions they should be able to answer them fairly well though. The main reason I ranked him so high is because he's very funny. He comes across as more of a friend rather than a professor, and frequently makes lectures enjoyable with his jokes. The reason he's not 5 stars for me is because he grades assignments extremely late, it takes him about a month to grade exams and it takes him the whole semester to grade projects.
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A+
Took CMSC131 in the Fall 2024 Freshman Connection program and was really well. I had prior knowledge of computer science so the class was really easy except I never learned what memory maps and how to draw them so that was a little hard to understand at first. I think the best to compare this class would be to an AP Java Computer science class and if you put in the effort and want to learn you could pass the class. For the assignments, we had 5 projects, usually with a 2 week deadline and were really easy if started early and could get help online on Piazza (class could ask questions to the professor). There were also 3 different quizzes during the discussions but the TAs would usually go over what will be on it and will set up for success. There were also 3 midterms (final yet to take) and the second mid-term was super long which I was not expecting and had many questions that were just wrong so it had to have been curved a lot. I think Aaron could've put a little more effort into teaching the class because sometimes it would feel self-paced. There were also a lot of days were class was cancelled for no reason when non freshman connection courses would be 2-3 weeks ahead (project wise).
Aaron Kyei-asare

Expecting an A-
I really liked prof Aaron! He's really chill, and if you ask questions in class he really tries to explain it in depth. But, because he has been so deep into the CS world, if you're coming into 131 with NO prior coding/java experience, you will need to play catch up for the first half of the semester. But as long as you study, look at the slides, and come to class, you'll be okay! He's a very fair professor.