Sung Lee

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENAE324, ENAE398H, ENAE420, ENAE423, ENAE481, ENAE482, ENAE652, ENAE653, ENME674, NIAV788W
Information Review
Sung Lee

Expecting an A
In general, he is a nice caring guy that is always willing to help you and answer your questions at any time of the day. But I feel his teaching of this class was extremely subpar. In lectures he literally writes word of word his lecture notes which he gives you at the start of the class on the board. Due to this after the first few weeks only about 20 of the 85 students in the class actually showed up to lecture. The material in this class is pretty complex and there will end up being a couple of hundred slides that he could pull material from. The class is more of a just do the math instead of understanding why and when you would actually use each concept. The exams are pretty brutal despite being open note and online. There was two exams, the first one had an average of 49% and the final had an average of 36%. He doesn't do partial credit so if you mess up the first part and that impacts other parts of the question you get no points even if you did the right process. The exams only make of 20% of the class which is the only saving grace. The rest of the 80% is just from homework. With only 9 homeworks each one is about 7.3% which makes each one crucial to your grade. You get a redo on ones that involve calculations which is nice and makes the initial submission less stressful. You should be able to get 90%+ on most of them if you understand the material well. I got 98% on the homeworks and averaged 56% on the exams which sneaked me a 90% due to the weird grade model. This class is very easy to get a B in since if you do well on the homeworks you can bomb both exams and be fine no problem. I would not recommend taking this class with him if you actually want to understand the ideas around the material.
Sung Lee

Expecting an A
He absolutely cares about his students passing and will jump on a Zoom call with you to help teach concepts. His teaching comes right out of the textbook he wrote so it's easy to follow his lectures, however a lot of the concepts are quite complex. His exams are quite hard and don't expect the average to be high. 80% of the class is based on HW grades.
Sung Lee

Expecting a B
This class is great, in which you have a redo for each HW assignment, and HW counts the majority of the grade for the class, but be aware about the grading of the class. It is extremely brutal that unless your numerical answer is completely correct, you would get no credit at all despite how much effort you put in or how much work you wrote. His grading system is especially unforgiving for some questions that have lots of steps or divided into different parts in which that if you wrote the equation wrong in part A and then you may use the wrong equation from part A correctly into part B and C and so on, you are basically screwed since he wouldn't even give credit for carryover errors and will keep penalizing you over and over. I have never encountered a class with that excessive amount of penalties for carryover errors. However on the upside, he is extremely responsive to emails and very quick too. He is also very flexible with scheduling individual appointments as well, and he is very nice when you ask him for help.
Sung Lee

Great professor who cares about his students understanding of the concepts being taught, and is willing to schedule personal help for students if they need it. The grading for homework and exams doesn't account for a propagating error, so if one piece is wrong everything else is wrong as well. Overall, this is a well-taught class.
Sung Lee

Awesome professor who seems to genuinely care about his students.