Tami Lee

This professor has taught: KNES211, KNES214
Information Review
Tami Lee

This class was great. IMO it was a more challenging elective that I took because there is so much information. There are four exams all multiple choice but it's basically your whole grade. The lab is in person but the lectures are all asynchronous so I had trouble understanding the content because it was less discussion or conversation and you did everything by yourself. I did learn a lot but it was not worth it to me because of the asynchronous content. Every week in lab we had a five-point assignment to do and there were pre-lab quizzes but overall if you did not do well on exams your grade would plummet. Tami was very sweet though and this class would probably benefit from being an hour in person and an hour on Zoom.
Tami Lee

Expecting an A-
Class is usually less than an hour and online exams open note.