Max Leiserson

This professor has taught: CMSC389I, CMSC423, CMSC828P
Information Review
Max Leiserson

Expecting an A+
Class is great if you have any interest in biology! The workload was extremely manageable, with one program due every other week in the language of your choice. There was quite a bit of jargon to learn, but the in class worksheets were very reflective of the exam material. The exams were weighted 90% in class individual grade and then 10% group grade. We had to meet with a group out of class and fill out the exam again together, which was a free 100. He also provided an extra credit assignment at the end of the semester for ~2% Overall a very understanding teacher who knows what he is talking about
Max Leiserson

Expecting an A+
Not a very captivating lecturer. Uses Socrative (basically clicker questions) to measure participation, but by the end of the semester most of the class was not attending anyway. Exams were difficult to approach with no previous exams or many practice problems to study from. Programming projects are through Rosalind, which means you can use whatever language you choose (pick Python), but debugging is sometimes difficult. Overall - low workload, interesting subject matter, often boring lecture.