Paul Leisnham

This professor has taught: ENST388, ENST403, ENST436, ENST472, ENST499, ENST603, ENST606, ENST689, ENST689E, ENST689F, ENST689R, ENST689U, ENST798
Information Review
Paul Leisnham

Expecting an A
The professor is very nice and well-organized. The format of the class consists of daily powerpoint presentations on different environmental issues (ranging from climate change, to biodiversity) with occasional lectures by guest speakers. The class is very interactive, and the content is simple enough to be easily understood. The exams are very straightforward, and are straight from lecture. There are 3 group projects that are worth the bulk of the grade, and pop quizes throughout the semester. If you spend a little bit of time everyday reviewing the material, the class is a breeze. The group projects themselves were pretty enjoyable.