Haoran Li

This professor has taught: MATH121, MATH240
Information Review
Haoran Li

Expecting an A
Took him for MATH240 over the summer. As someone who came into the class not knowing anything about linear Algebra I felt pretty confident by the end in my abilities. He was patient with his students and very understanding. Linear Algebra can be a hard class but taking it with Haoran made it seem doable.
Haoran Li

Expecting a B+
I had him for Math246 with Justin in Fall 2023. He was a great TA! He was very nice and helpful and took his time to explain confusing concepts to me. He tried his best to teach me the material in a way that I could understand. His office hours were always consistent and he helped make this course less stressful for me. I could tell that he cared and wanted me and my classmates to succeed.
Haoran Li

Expecting an A-
Great guy, very responsive and helpful. I never really attend the lectures but he does post his lecture notes which are very helpful as they contain examples and important topics to remember. He goes over practice exams the day before the tests which is very helpful. The class has 10 online assignments (basically hw assignments assigned a week prior to the due date), 2 Matlab projects (not hard at all as they are posted like a month before and you have all the time in the world), 2 midterms (not that bad at all, mostly similar to the online assignments), and one final. The only reason I am giving a 4 star is because he is not the most engaging teacher, I would often get very bored but thats like every math class ever. If you are someone who also zones out often I would definitely recommend Paul Cartie on youtube, he goes over the same exact topics covered in this class.