Shunlin Liang

This professor has taught: GEOG328B, GEOG421, GEOG472, GEOG498D, GEOG672
Information Review
Shunlin Liang

Expecting a B
The class is not a huge amount of work. If you want to receive an A though, it is nearly impossible unless you are EXTREMELY lucky, and very studious. Class has 3 or 4 quizzes which ask 5 or 6 free response questions. You must write random facts that he doesn't ask for or else you get a bad grade. Most people would receive C's and D's. Some B's and one A usually. There were also group presentation, and research paper, and discussion participaiton counting for the rest of your grade. Keep in mind that you will never know what grades you received on anything but the quizzes. He puts a curve in so almost everyone gets a B, and a few slackers get C's and a few lucky ones get A's. I would suggest avoiding this class if you don't like dealing with not knowing your grades, but I would encourage it if you are looking to learn a decent amount on China.
Shunlin Liang

The course was on China, and the content was interesting and useful. However, he doesn't appear to care much about lecturing and class structure. His quizzes were more like full-scale tests. They were comprised of six essay questions in which you had to include just the right facts, or you would get marked down. The rubric was terrible and nearly impossible to score A's on. You never knew what the expectations were, though he said he will curve the grade. He didn't give us our grades back on our group presentations either. Take his class for the knowledge and an easy day, but don't expect him to put effort into it.