Shihong Lin

This professor has taught: EDCP210, EDCP230
Information Review
Shihong Lin

Expecting an A+
Prof. Lin is the nicest person ever. He really cares about all of his students and their wellbeings. I feel bad sometimes when nobody or very few people answer his questions. The class itself is super easy, and he literally does all that he can to make sure you are not stressed about his class. If you show up to class and do the assigned work, you will get an A!
Shihong Lin

Expecting an A+
Very nice and accommodating professor. This is a pretty easy class in terms of actually course content. There are a few papers, but they're not bad at all. This is a very useful class and it's been quite eye opening to me especially in the wake of the pandemic with mental health going for whirlwind. Highly recommend.