Michael Mack

This professor has taught: ENME489V
Information Review
Michael Mack

Expecting an A-
Mr. Mack is a nice guy, an older, retired guy with years of experience in the mechanical contracting industry. Every week is a guest lecture and the following class is a quiz about the lecture content. The slides are posted, but sometimes the quiz questions don't match what was covered in the guest speaker's lecture. Mr. Mack isn't the most tech-savvy, so it's a bit of a challenge to talk to him about issues on elms or anything. This course has a group project element, but it's okay if you have a bad group, as Mr. Mack requires a peer evaluation form. The only annoying aspect of this course is how they don't post rubrics or questions to answer for assignments, but he will go over it in class or if you ask over email.