Justine Madoo

This professor has taught: CCJS100, CCJS342, CCJS350, CCJS418A, CCJS450, CCJS452, CCJS498G
Information Review
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
I really liked Madoo. Her class and exams were straightforward, and her lectures were interesting. She does get off topic a little talking about her experiences in the field, but it is interesting and sometimes makes the lecture better. She doesn't like computers or anything in the class so if you like taking notes on there you would need a journal instead. There were some surprise quizzes in discussion so just be ready for those but overall, it's a pretty easy gen ed as long as you memorize the information and court cases.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
Her lectures are very engaging and tests are easy coming from a STEM major. They are 50 MC. Only thing I didn’t like were the pop quizzes in discussion and the fact that she doesn’t record/makes us take written notes. As long as you don’t miss a lecture and pay attention in class this class will be easy.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr Madoo is a very nice professor. The only annoying thing is the no electronics rule in her lecture... which I don't get. So be prepared to do handwritten notes. The lectures were insightful and she offered nice explanations of everything. Just 3 exams in the class. non of them of cumulative including the final which is exam #3. She provides study guides to the exam which are super helpful. Overall just attended lectures and skimmed the chapters and you should pass with a B+ or higher :). Also, my discussion TA was pretty laid back the questions on the quizzes and exams most of the time are common sense and some tricky questions, but you should be fine if you studied.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Justine Madoo is absolutely my favorite professor I ever had. The class isn't necessarily easy, you definitely have to make sure to stay on top of the readings and be prepared for the pop quizzes, however, she makes the lectures so enjoyable! She definitely is very knowledgable about all topics and is a very funny, personable teacher. I would highly recommend this class with this professor.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is such an amazing lecturer who truly cares about what she's teaching. I didn't do most of the readings but all of her lectures covered 99% of what you need to know for exams. If she didn't go over material in class, she tells you what to learn to prepare for the exam and it's never a lot. All of her exams are straight-forward and she wants you to succeed. I highly recommend this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
pretty much similar to what everyone else said, Dr. Madoo is a great teacher who sometimes goes off topic from class material, but if you study a bit you will come out of this class with an A for sure
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
Dr Madoo was one of the best professors I had in a while, her lectures were very interesting and she was very caring about her students. The class consist of 3 exams which aren't bad, also she provides a study guide which has similar content. The other grades are discussion grades which are pretty easy as long as you show up plus she drops the lowest one. Overall great class and I defiantly recommend to anyone in criminology or interested in a elective.
Justine Madoo

Nice lectures and engaging but completely accommodating for students with different needs.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
BEST PROFESSOR EVER!!! She is so so funny and makes her lectures so engaging with her stories. Class is mainly based off exam grades but they are so easy to study for with the study guide. Definitely go to lecture because she doesn't post the slides and sometimes questions are based off what she said not just what is written in the presentation. Always brings in super cool guest speakers for us which is nice because you get some days off learning. Discussions were engaging and fun as well. She only allows paper notes so make sure to have a physical notebook for this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
She's a yapper but it's quite interesting. She has an extensive background in her field and is passionate about teaching the future generation. Just keep up with notes and go to discussion and you'll be fine.
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
I should've gotten an A in this course but I'm an idiot lol. Madoo is the BEST teacher in the entire world. I never attended lecture, which was on me, but feel like I learned so much. Theres no extra credit so it truly comes down to exams. I'm a weak exam taker, so I ate shit... but thats okay! I loved this class and you will too! You're gonna learn a LOT of court cases so good luck. Lecture slides not being posted is also rough.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
They put up a big stink about buying the correct textbook (which is the only version not available for free) but you don't even have to do the readings, so there's absolutely no work for this class except 3 exams which aren't cumulative. She doesn't post the slides so you have to show up to lecture and acts like you just murdered someone if you take a picture of the slides. Expecting an A, you definitely have to study though. Final exam was moved online.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
AMAAAZING Love her so much she is such a great professor! The only annoying thing is that she doesn't post slides and if you have to miss class she makes you get the notes from someone else. 3 exams no other work (besides discussion), drops the lowest discussion score. Exams are tricky but you start to learn her testing style after the first one.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is awesome! Her class is really engaging and made every lecture worth going to. She shares many interesting stories working in the Criminal Justice field and takes her time covering the material. She gives everyone time to copy down information from her slides. Discussion is mandatory, but the only time you'll spend outside of class is studying for the exams, which are very straightforward. (Fair Warning: you might have to memorize 20 court cases for her 2nd midterm, but it wasn't bad) She is also very friendly and happy to share more about her career.
Justine Madoo

Engaging lectures but I wouldn't take again, very type A professor. It's graded on 3 exams that are based on lectures and textbook. Lectures aren't posted and for any absence you have to provide a signed Drs note.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
This is my favorite class by far. She is a wonderful professor and is very easy to understand. Highly recommend!
Justine Madoo

Nice and engaging professor. Doesn't post or record lecture slides. There's no homework so that means it's exam heavy with a small percent of discussion points. The exams are pretty straightforward and can be based on lecture. If you show up and put in work you should be fine.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
so sweet and lectures were interesting, she tried to make them personable and entertaining. not too much homework, discussion attendance was important, exams were extremely straightforward and she prepares you very well for them. i really enjoyed the class
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is AWESOME!! She is a great lecturer that tells great stories from her own life. The class itself is not bad at all, as long as you go to lecture the exams are easy and straightforward. The only downside is she has a strict no technology policy but it honestly was not even that big of a deal because she was so entertaining.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is a great professor. She is very clear with what is going to be on our exams, including the final, and will put out an outline of what to know for each one, as well as Supreme Court cases. In terms of lecture, she can get carried away sometimes with personal anecdotes but overall it doesn't affect the way you take notes (each slide stays up for a long time). She pulls from the textbook sometimes, but not enough that I'd say you need it. Showing up for discussion is also important, and it's pretty calm during that class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Madoo is an incredible professor who has really fair exams and assignments. Although she does not allow electronics in class, she goes through her slides very well and will wait for everyone to write everything down. She makes the boring material very interesting and is super kind.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Very engaging lecturer, exams are based heavily on the lectures and reading the textbook is somewhat optional. There's no homework and assignments are pretty much just showing up to discussion and doing answering the questions. Definitely would recommend.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
The class was fairly easy. She is one of the best professors I have had, along with my Math120 professor. Ms. Madoo exams are information that is covered in lectures and in the textbooks. Her study guide is straightforward. It was what I mainly used to study for exams and I did good in her class considering I didn't exactly put my full effort in. I had to take this class as a prerequisite for declaring my second major, but for anyone wanting to do it as an easy GenED credit go for it! She is an awesome professor.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
Trash class. Do not take. She is actually a terrible professor. Lectures are boring and useless. For many questions on the test, she just makes questions from the middle of nowhere, not related to her useless study guides. You can't use devices in classes, she gets mad. Her discussions are pointless but you have to go. Overall, shitty class. Doesn't curve the exams.
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
Dr. Madoo is an amazing professor her lectures are always informative and always interesting to go to. She also has a lot of stories she tells which are always interesting to listen to. The class has 3 exams which make up for most of your grade. All the exams for this semester are in-person and multiple-choice. As long as you go to lecture and skim over the textbook you should get a good grade for this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Boring af course, never attended lecture because its pointless. Its pretty easy tho just study the textbook and its all good.
Justine Madoo

Expecting a C-
This class has like 4 assignments the whole semester. 3 exams and 1 participation grade that comes from discussion. Pray you don't miss any discussions or exams, because for some reason the make-up discussion assignments or make-up exams are extremely hard. It goes from being an all multiple choice question exam to an all essay questions exam. My whole grade tanked bc of the make-up exam, and since there's no other grades in the class and no extra-credit, there's no way to make it up. Oh and go to class, bc the exams have lecture specific questions that are not in the textbook, like "What did we discuss on this date?". Also I really do not like that we aren't allowed to take notes on electronics and have to bring paper to lecture, but that's more minor.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo has to be my all-time favorite professor. This is the third class I have taken with her and cannot stress how awesome she is. Her lectures are super entertaining and she does not just strictly read off the slides. Juveniles are her particular interest where she has conducted research. I loved hearing her stories throughout the class. This class was 3 exams and 1 final. The exams were not cumulative and in person, but the final is cumulative and online. I always found the content directly from the slides.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo is an amazing professor and did a great job at teaching this class. One thing I will say is that it's super important to attend her lectures because some questions on the exam are specifically from things she says in class (but still related to the course). I would recommend her and this class to anyone interested in criminal justice.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Madoo is one of the best professors and I highly recommend her. She is extremely knowledgable and her personal stories are very interesting. The class is lecture focused but lectures are not hard to follow and she presents the material in a very interesting way. Your grade consists of showing up to discussion and 3 MC exams. The exams were extremely straight forward and not hard to ace if you studied and skimmed the text book. I highly recommend this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
She's FANTASTIC. Her lectures are straightforward and entertaining, even when going over textbook material. She loves talking about her experiences working with juvenile offenders in prison systems and even has guest speakers with experience in the corrections system come in to talk about what they do. Exams are online and there's two essays, all of which weren't too bad as long as you keep up with the reading.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
Professor Madoo is an awesome lecturer. Her lectures are funny and entertaining, and she knows her stuff. Your whole grade is based on three exams and participation in lecture, but it's super easy because the exams are online.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is one of the best professors I have ever had at UMD. She brings in a lot of guest speakers who are all very interesting, and makes the material to learn by doing so. Plus, the exam structure is really straightforward and easy to get used to. The only thing is that electronic devices are strictly prohibited in class, so be prepared to take A LOT of handwritten notes. But even so, it's easier to learn the material this way (at least in my opinion) so it doesn't really change much if you're already used to it. She also tells a lot of stories from when she used to be an intern for different organizations and most of them really give you a good idea of what the cj path is like. So if your major is undecided, definitely consider taking this class. This will sound cliche and cheesy, but you might just find your new path for life.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo was great. Took this class to fulfill a Gen-ed and I loved it. She has a no electronic rule, and doesn't post notes so it is important to attend class. But, she made her lectures interesting by telling personal stories which kept us very engaged. There's a weekly discussion you must attend to receive points, and one paper you have to write (very easy). But overall, I loved taking this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting a B+
The TAs grade stuff so harshly and have really strict rules for a class that they know no one cares about, just a joke of a class for a good grade but god forbid you get covid and miss a discussion.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo is amazing! Her class is always fun and engaging. She makes her students laugh and teaches in a way that is extremely fair and easy. As long as you listen in lecture, go to discussion, and take notes you will get an easy A!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo is a very good teacher. She always has fun and personal stories about her research to keep the class engaging and give real-world examples for the content. She is a bit old-fashioned with a no-laptop rule, but I still found her and her class very interesting.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Madoo is one of the coolest people ever. She's smart and lectures well but keeps the class extremely engaging. She has a ton of real life personal experience in this field, and her stories are so interesting. I'm not a crim major but now I understand why everybody switches majors after taking this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
overall: dr. madoo is a really great professor that was able to keep an entire lecture hall engaged every single class. lecture is pretty simple, you just take handwritten notes and listen to her talk. she tells interesting stories every single class, which kept everyone on the edge of their seats. discussion sections were very easy too but boring at times. the tests are open note & remote, and as long as you go to lecture and do the weekly readings, you'll do great. honestly one of the best professors I've ever had recommendations/heads up she doesn't post lecture notes or recordings anywhere so you have to go to lecture every time unless someone sends you their notes, discussion sections take attendance
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
I would take this class a million more times. Professor Madoo makes it extremely interesting. She incorporates stories from her personal experiences and does not shy away from humor when discussing. Exams are an hour long and open note. If you take notes in class and read the textbook (she points out specific pages) you will get an A+. There is a policy of no electronics, but don't take that as an opportunity to not take this class. Her engaging manor makes up for it. Also, there is only the exams and 1 short paper.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
AWESOME PROFESSOR. Literally the best, she tells the most interesting stories during lectures that actually make you want to come. The discussions are worth 30% of your grade so you definitely have to go to those. There are three exams and one paper, so grading is very dependent on those mixed with discussion attendance. LOVE this class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor and super easy class! She is a very kind and interesting professor, so the lectures are engaging and not boring. The discussions might seem boring and a waste of time, but they are worth 25% of your grade so not worth skipping. The three exams (including the final) are extremely easy and online, so it is very easy to do well in this class. However, she does not allow laptops during class and does not post the notes.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Justine is an amazing professor and kept our lectures so fun! If you have the opportunity to take one of her CCJS classes you definitely should. As long as you show up to lectures and read the readings you should do very well on the exams.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Took Madoo last semester for 100 and had to get her again for 342, especially since this is the last time she'll be teaching this class over a fall/spring semester. She said 342 is usually a summer/winter class which I think would be totally fine considering we're moving at a very slow pace over this semester. And that's not a bad thing, we move slowly through content because she spends a lot of time talking about her personal research experience (as corrections, specifically reentry, is her area of expertise) and having class discussions on the material which are really engaging. We had two papers due which weren't bad, one was literally a movie review. Three exams overall, including the final, which are all online/open-note. Since she's about to step up as the head of the crim department she's a bit bummed that she'll have to reduce her class load for at least the next one or two semesters, so be on the lookout for her classes as I'm sure they'll be a hot ticket. Coolest crim professor that I know of!!!!!!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo is an excellent professor. Her lectures are always very interesting. The discussions can tend to be a little boring, but for the most part they are interesting, considering that they are mandatory and a large portion of your final grade. This is a warning, though, to people who want to take this course with her for semesters after Spring 2023. Dr. Madoo recently told my class that she is changing the course structure to have in-person closed-book exams. This is very different than how it is now as the exams are open book/note and online. The content is pretty easy to understand, but I have put very little time into this class outside of exams and going to lectures/discussions, so I am not sure how time-consuming it will be with in-person exams. I also took this class because I heard it is an easy gened, so if you are a criminology major, the in-person exams may be in your favor in the long run anyways, but I would consider the change in exam structure before choosing this as a gened.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
She is a good teacher, although she does have annoying policies. You aren't allowed to have laptops in class and she doesn't upload the slides. This is just to offset how easy the class is, however. Your grades are based on three exams (one of them being the final) and your discussion grade. Exams are online and multiple choice. You don't need to go to lecture to score well on the exams, since you can find everything in the textbook and online. The average for every exam was in the 90s. Discussion section was annoying since we had to do high school things like Kahoot, but my TA basically said as long as we show up she would give us a 100. It wasn't one of those discussions where you had to raise your hand to get a good grade. Although you don't have to go to lectures, Madoo is a good lecturer and really personable. She shared lots of stories and had a guest speaker.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo is definitely one of the funniest professors I have ever had at UMD. She talks about her personal life during lectures which makes them so interesting! However, she doesn't post notes so you NEED to attend lectures because the exams are based off the lectures. If you show up to class you'll do great. There are three exams, including the final, that are online and open-note with no lockdown browser (so easy). She also always tries to get guest speakers to come which is awesome for networking. I highly recommend taking her class!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Easiest Gen Ed ever. I would say this class can be compared to UNIV100 by how easy it was. I literally skipped class every day and scored below average on all 3 exams yet still passed with an A lol. (She doesn't post her notes btw). Her class is interesting, and her many stories keeps me awake. She brings in guest speakers which I think is pretty nice. If I were to redo this class, I would actually pay attention since this class is pretty relevant to what's happening in our society. There is no curve in this class since the average on the exam is always an A. She rounds .50 and up which is pretty nice. If she didn't round, I'd have an A-
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
She's the GOAT. Hoping to get into one of her classes next semester......and then maybe every semester after that. I am actually in love with this woman. Don't let her no phones/laptops/technology rule scare you off, because she will hold your attention for the entire time, every class. She adds amazing stories from her life into basically every lesson which makes the content easier/more personable (the content is already cool though, everyone should take this class just because it's essential knowledge.) Exams are all online, multiple choice, open note/textbook with no lockdown browser, with a range of a few hours for you to begin it (only 50 minutes after you start the exam but still) - aka super easy. Keep up with your chapter readings and discussion sections and you'll have everything you need to succeed. Run don't walk to register for her
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo was great! Her lectures were always so engaging and interesting. She even brought in a guest speaker that was super interesting. There are 3 exams, all online and open note so as long as you take good notes you will be fine! She doesn't take attendance so it's up to you whether you attend class or not but I highly recommend you do! Overall would recommend this class with Madoo to anyone interested in criminal justice!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Possibly one of the best instructors I have ever had throughout my academic career. She's extremely passionate about her work, as you would be able to tell through the stories about her personal life, and the class is extremely easy to pass overall. Discussions are worth 25% of your grade, and the other 75% is made up of three online exams. It's practically impossible to fail the class as long as you live up to the bare minimum.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Expect an A+ in the class if you read the chapters. I took this class in Fall of 2022, and all our exams were online. Professor Madoo makes that class very engaging and interesting. I would recommend taking this class and all the other classes she teaches :)
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo was a fantastic professor to have. She incorporates her own experience into the class, which enhances the material. She is very helpful and always willing to talk with her students. Definitely recommend her class.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo is AMAZING!!!!!!! She is easily one of the best professors I've had so far. She really only grades based on how you do on the exams (online and usually very easy since they are open note) and how you do in discussion. She keeps class interesting with life stories related to what we learn in class. If you take CCJS100, PLEASE make sure you have her as the lecturer. SHE'S AWESOME!!!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo is the best professor I have ever taken at UMD. Exams are extremely fair, as long as you go to class and take notes you will succeed in this course. Class was so interesting, I actually looked forward to going to this class every week. I would recommend this course to everyone I know. No homework, fair easy exams and interesting class! Take this, you will NOT regret!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
As a STEM major with other hard classes TAKE HER!!!!!!! Literally the easiest class ever considering all the exams are online and its open note bla bla. And, its a fun elective because she manages to cooperate at least one relevant story about her life into every lecture and keeps class interesting. It's a pretty relaxing class and the easiest GEN-ED ever.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Madoo is super cool and makes the class easy to follow. Exams are online and hella easy if you just go to class. An A should be expected if you put in any kind of effort
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo is amazing! She has the best personality and her lectures are always interesting and engaging. There is never any homework. The class is all graded on going to discussion once a week and 3 tests throughout the semester which are very easy. The tests were open note and were on everything that we learned. I highly recommend taking this class with Professor Madoo because she is the best!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo was fantastic at lecturing. Her lectures were engaging, easy to understand, and interesting. I liked how she told us about her own experiences in the criminal justice field. This class is really insightful and was easy for a gen ed requirement. There are three exams that occur but they were all online, open note and the last one is NOT cumulative. I did find that the discussions were silly and it felt like we were back in high school. They were unnecessary and felt like a waste of time. There is minimal homework, except reading the chapter and taking notes, other than that there are no other assignments except the ones that you complete in class during the discussions. Overall, this is a very easy gen ed, and I highly recommend Dr. Madoo!
Justine Madoo

This professor have strange policies.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Hands down the easiest and most interesting class I've ever taken. There were only weekly discussion grades that you have to participate in and then 3 exams which were online, open note, and extremely straightforward as long as you take notes in class. Dr. Madoo is funny, very experienced and knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about what she is lecturing. Her teaching style is engaging and it made me look forward to that class every day.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Dr. Madoo is an amazing woman and is a fantastic lecturer. There are 3 exams, including the final that are all multiple choice. Each exam is 25% of your grade and the other 25% comes from discussion participation. Exams are very straight forward with her going over everything that will be on the test in a review session before it. Discussion is required because of how much of your grade it is worth, but its only 50 minutes and usually very entertaining, and your lowest discussion score is dropped at the end. Very lengthy process to prove absences are excused which can be very frustrating, but I love this woman otherwise. Definitely take this class with her
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Super nice and kept class interesting! One of my favorites :)
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Overall, easy class with this professor. Due to covid, she made the exams online which makes them very easy to do. Lectures are somewhat interesting, and they are required to attend if you want to do well on the exams since she doesn't post her slides online.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
If Dr. Madoo was teaching a class on how to draw with Crayons, I would take it. She’s that good. Her teaching style is laid back but specific - telling you everything you need to know without it feeling overwhelming. Dr. Madoo will share her wealth of experience with you, ranging from juvenile detention center visits to interviewing gang members. Dr. Madoo has done it all, and it shows in her lectures. Every student, including myself, was glued to watching her lecture and attendance stayed strong throughout the semester. That’s a telltale sign of a good professor, one who could teach just about anything and attract a full roster. Take this.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor. I am a computer science student taking this class for fun, but I thoroughly enjoyed the class. Madoo is one of the most engaging professors I have ever had, and she is able to tie in the content with her own experiences in the field. She is super funny, and doesn't take any BS from people disobeying her class rules (shoutout to the multiple times she called people out for wearing their mask wrong). Her exams are extremely fair - if you took notes during class you are more than fine. She encourages you to do the readings but to be honest I never did and got by just fine. The only assignments are the exams and discussion points (as long as you show up and participate you're fine). In reference to the comment saying she gave an 8am final with only 2 days notice, thats absolutely not true. She told us the final would be at 8am probably 3-4 weeks before the semester ended, and then made several announcements in class after that. Overall, Madoo is super understanding and a great professor. Easy A!
Justine Madoo

Why on earth would she force students to start the online final at 8am with only 2 days notice!! She was a great professor besides this backstab
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Dr. Madoo is by far the best professor I've had at UMD. Her classes go by in MINUTES. She shows true passion for what she does and is very approachable. She brings guest speakers and tells stories about her experience in the field! Her lectures are so interactive even when she has so many students in the lecture hall! She gives and welcomes opportunities to ask questions during lecture so if you like interacting in class she's amazing! She is strict with going to discussion and participating but there are no quizzes or worksheets so it makes sense. She is a no technology class but it made me pay attention more so I liked it. This year her exams were online so that was AMAZING. You should definitely take her class if you have the chance.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Professor Madoo keeps the lectures super interesting. I'm not majoring in Criminal Justice so it seemed like the perfect amount of information needed. Her exams were understanding and she went over almost every question. Super interesting course and really nice professor. As long as you participate in discussion and study/ look over info before exam you should be completely fine.
Justine Madoo

Not very understanding of human mistakes.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Fantastic professor. Very engaging and clearly well-versed in her field.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Lectures are fine, exams are easy so class is a free A, but its not the most educational.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. It's very clear she enjoys what she does which makes the class very enjoyable! There are 4 exams that are very easy if you actually pay attention. The topics are interesting too! The discussions got boring very quickly but there aren't too many points in the class so they are a must.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Love her!!! Planning to every class she teaches at UMD!
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
Literally my favorite professor at UMD!!! I’ve had her both in-person and online. Lectures are interesting. Make sure you do what she tells you to do and you’ll be getting an A without any difficulty.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
The lectures are great and concepts are straightfoward. As long as you do the assignments and readings, it should be an easy A.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A+
best prof to take for this class, so interesting and entertaining
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A-
Dr.Madoo was helpful and tests are multiple choices. NO quiz and participation grades. Her special experience is COOL
Justine Madoo

Dr. Madoo was the highlight of my Monday and Wednesday mornings! Her research made me respect her more than I already did; she’s truly committed to this subject. She’s very empathetic when it comes to discussing the problems of the criminal justice system. Her exams are very fair, and she prepares students to do well. I always liked how she had personal experiences to relate back to the topic; she was a great storyteller. I loved her energy and knowledge about the topics, I hope to take her again in the future.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
Great personality, stright forward tests where you know exactly what is expected. Good stories in lecture.
Justine Madoo

Expecting an A
They say hindsight is 20/20. I say I made a great decision taking CCJS100 with Dr. Madoo. Her lectures include info not in the textbook that are on the exam, but she also gives tips for the exams. There are only 3 exams and then, there is discussion. I recommend reading the book for her class and going to lecture. This course is not intensive. She brings in guest speakers and they share their experiences on the job... and then, she puts questions about the guest speaker on the exam. The exams are straightforward. Some of her lectures bore me, while most keep focused because they are so interesting. She tells her personal experiences that relate to the topic, which keeps me engaged in lecture.