Edward Magrab

This professor has taught: ENME486, ENME700, ENME808J
Information Review
Edward Magrab

Expecting a W
James Pritts Jr.
Probably a really smart guy, but he just can't teach. A "tough but fair" teacher, with a little more emphasis on "tough". Actively seeks to help students through office hours but it was almost as if you had to go to office hours to actually learn something. Lectures were basically straight out of the book (that he wrote) and so nothing additional was gained by attending. If you can't make office hours you're probably screwed. Magrab relies heavily on his students possessing very strong knowledge in the class pre-reqs, which is perhaps not always the case, seeing as how this includes Dynamics and Dif-Eq. To make sure, he will quiz you for the first month of the semester on Dif-Eq. Not Vibrations...Dif-Eq. Doesn't curve. Makes it clear in the first class that he is unapologetic of students not stepping up to the plate. Not a bad attitude, but he acts like he's the only professor who really holds his students accountable, which kind of makes one feel "unworthy" Not cool. In the end, seems like just another research professor who can't be bothered with undergrads. A little over half my class, including myself, dropped within a week or so of the first test. The average of which was low enough to warrant some sort of re-test or correction opportunity (I wouldn't know, had taken the W by then). I continued to hear horror stories for the 18 brave souls who remained in the class. In a Winter course now for ENME 361, taught by Vincent Nguyen. Things that seemed impossible before are now completely reasonable. Much better experience. Don't take Magrab.
Edward Magrab

Knows the material very well, but has trouble explaining it to the students. He is very approachable and doesn't mind assisting students yet when he does help he just does it without any explanation. He does not curve at all.