Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

This professor has taught: AREC365, AREC386, AREC399, AREC699, AREC799, AREC869, AREC869D, AREC898, AREC899
Information Review
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting an A+
The class isn't too bad and whatnot. In class, I couldn't pay attention to his lecture at all, because of his accent and I couldn't really understand him, coming from HoH person. All of the reading quizzes are easy and 95% of the times, the answers could be found from Quizlet or Chegg. The exams are taken online, in class.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting an A
Great professor that really cares about the content and creates an environment where you're not afraid to share your ideas even in such a big class. I would honestly say it is an easy A as long as you show up to class because he does random attendance credit where you have to scan a QR code. Also as long as you pay attention to lecture and take notes the class is not difficult. Most of the answers for things are on quizlet as well if you need. I did not buy the textbook and don't think you really need it.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting a B
You did not have to go to lecture, but he would randomly take attendance and that would then count towards your grade for participation. Minimal work, but content was based heavily on the lecture and readings. Assignments were easier than the exams. The exam averages were around a B. Nice professor and is great at teaching.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting an A
I took this class as a second semester senior expecting to just go through the motions with the course, not pay much attention in lecture, and get my degree. I was pleasantly surprised with how much I actually ended up enjoying this class, and I owe all of that to the professor. He did an incredible job of keeping me engaged throughout the lectures and encouraging student participation. He made content interesting and I often felt excited to go to lectures and discussions. He kept classes short, rarely going over 60 minutes, and quizzes and problem sets were fairly easy. Textbook reading is helpful, but the content taught during class lectures is more than enough to do well on exams. The exams are open note and usually straightforward, as long as your notes are organized beforehand and you've paid attention in class you most likely will know what is being asked of you. The class average was quite a bit lower on the first exam than the second, so warning to put in effort for the first one to get started on the right foot. While Thursday discussions are less content based, they were really helpful in learning the type of critical thinking necessary for understanding the world food problem as well as answering exam essay questions.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting a B-
While he was very passionate about his teaching that was all he was good at. For a GenEd I found this course somewhat hard due to the lengthy textbook chapters, mandatory attendance (taken at random), the poorly worded exam questions, the lack of communication (he ignored all of my emails), and the incorrectly graded assignments. Double the points were unfairly taken off for one incorrect answer on a question with multiple answers. This happened frequently and he refused to fix it. Despite exams being open note, most students found them very difficult. I personally felt like I worked very hard in this course, reading and taking notes on every chapter and every lecture just to barely get a B. Honestly would not recommend this GenEd.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting a B+
Easy class with exams online. Lecture can get kind of boring sometimes. The professor is passionate and knowledgeable. He brings in guest speakers from time to time. One big con is that in multiple choice questions if there are 2 right answers worth 6 points in total. If you only get 1 of the 2 right answers you will get a 0/6 instead of a 3/6.
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting an A-
I loved him and loved the class; it's not easy. His exams are a bit tricky. Don't come in thinking it's going to be an easy A. I'm going to get an A- that I'm happy with, but it was not an "easy" a. but if you show up, study just a bit and talk to him the key is to talk to him make sure he learns your name! It's a big class overall. He was terrific and made it fun; if you don't know if you should take this class or not, I say do it!! He also drops the lowest exam grade 2 of the lowest problem set grades and 2 of the lowest reading quiz grades
Ramakrishna Sharan Mamidipudi

Expecting an A
I highly recommend this professor. He is so understanding and passionate about the material. He made even the more difficult economic concepts very easy to understand and really listens to student feedback. The final is also optional if you do well on the first two midterms which is amazing.