Pino Martin

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENAE311, ENAE673, ENAE676
Information Review
Pino Martin

Expecting a B+
Pino is a very odd teacher. She gets nervous easily and makes mistakes (fundamental mistakes, like the writing down an equation that implies the total opposite of physical laws). As such, it can be difficult to trust your notes. She doesn't show up to tests, frequently misses class, and 8AM office hours. Her Exam problems are worded in the most confusing way. Our TA had to call her multiple times to figure out what her questions were asking. All in all it doesn't seem like she enjoys teaching and the amount of effort she puts into her class reflects that. Maybe she is more interested in higher level courses but her inability to teach easy material of ENAE311 is upsetting. Just read the book, its better explained than anything she lectures.