Marta Villamor Martin

This professor has taught: BMGT495
Information Review
Marta Villamor Martin

Expecting an A-
Attendance is mandatory, you have to raise your hand and contribute to the class every day and make sure she writes your name down for participation, otherwise she will not count it. 3 group presentations, 2 are a video recording, and the final one is in-person and worth 20% of your grade. There's no midterm, the final is 30% of your grade and the average was a 70%, it's an essay question that she graded VERY harshly. She ended up curving the class almost 10% (I think because of how harsh she graded the final and because most people got 50/100 or 0/100 for participation- which is 7% of your grade). I don't feel like I learned much, and it was frustrating to have a final essay question worth 30% of your grade. Professor Villamor Martin is very kind, this was her first time teaching the course, I found myself engaged in class.
Marta Villamor Martin

Expecting an A-
If you want a good grade, just don't take this prof.
Marta Villamor Martin

Expecting an A+
Good professor and nice person. Class is graded pretty leniently