Tatenda Mashanda

This professor has taught: COMM107
Information Review
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
He's probably one of if not the best option for COMM107. As long as you show to class consistently and put an effort towards completing your work you'll get an A. There's no more than 1.5 hours of work for this class per week and you only reach 1.5 hours during the three presentation weeks, every other week is max 20 min of work. There are weekly quizzes straight from the textbook. 3 presentations throughout the year and outlines you have to submit before the presentation. You also have to lead an icebreaker activity but this is meant to be just a fun thing to do at the start of each class. If you're taking COMM107 just to fulfill the FSOC, this is the right instructor.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A
Professor T was a great professor. If you show up and put it in an effort, it is an easy A. If you need an extension make sure to email him earlier rather than later. He can be passive aggressive at times but overall he is very funny and a great teacher. He grades very leniently, so as long as you put an effort in on your presentations, you should get an A. The quizzes are quite easy and he lets you take them at home. By the first month he learns everyone in the classes name and he truly cares about his students. I truly recommend him.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A
Mashanda is the best professor you can have for comm, hands down. he just wants everyone to pass the class, and if you show up to every class, put in some effort on all assignments, you will get an A easily. super understanding and supportive, and will help you with anything you need.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
Extremely easy class and the workload was very light. The main thing T is expecting from you is that you show up to class and put in the bare minimum effort required. The class is truly the definition of if you show up you will get an A.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
T just wanted to make sure we were doing the work and putting in the effort. As long as you do the work, there's nothing to worry about! The grading was lenient, and I definitely submitted a few assignments past the deadline (for the online summer course) and he was very understanding and nice about it.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A
Dr. Mashanda is an excellent option for COMM107. Although his course structure can be confusing and he had to miss 1-2 classes during the Winter semester, he is willing to forgive penalties on late work and provides stellar grades to any assignment submitted with effort. With the proper effort, you can always expect an “A” in COMM107 with Dr. Mashanda.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
T is a really nice guy and wants everyone in his class to pass. Just making sure you even do the work in his class will guarantee an A. He's very lenient and understanding of people's situations and accommodates accordingly.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A
T is truly an amazing professor. He really cares about his students and their success in the class. He makes class fun, so I didn’t mind that class was mandatory. He took time to make sure he knew everyone’s name within the second week of class. I would definitely recommend taking comm with him.
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
Mr. T is a great guy and can teach his subject with a bit of fun humor. I never was the type of guy to do speeches and such, but being in that class with him made me more comfortable. Attendance is mandatory but I’m sure you will enjoy being in that class environment so it shouldn’t be a problem!
Tatenda Mashanda

Expecting an A+
T is overall a very nice guy. However, he can get a bit sassy and passive-aggressive at times. If you can get over that aspect, I would definitely recommend taking COMM107 with him. He is very lenient with grading (I never got below a 90% on speeches) and is very understanding too (I forgot to do a quiz one time and he let me take it past the due date). He took the time to learn everyone's name, as well as memorize little facts about us which I found to be very caring. Attendance is definitely mandatory for every class, so don't mess around with that.