Isaak Mayergoyz

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENEE474, ENEE475
Information Review
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A
Exams require SO much writing but are straightforward. He's extremely knowledgeable in the subject matter and teaches it well. Would strongly suggest this course.
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A
As others have said, professor Mayergoyz is arguably one of the best professors in the department. He inspires me to become a professor. Professor Mayergoyz learns every student by name, and often invites students to come up to the chalkboard when they have questions during the lecture, he starts by thanking his "dear students" for coming to the lecture. In this way, professor Mayergoyz makes his relationship with the class very personal. He is extremely intelligent and goes very in-depth in explaining or deriving equations and concepts. For senior or junior EE students, I would 100% recommend this course as a refresher of ENEE205, ENEE222, ENEE303 and ENEE313, in fact you might actually learn the right way about those topics as professor Mayergoyz is a very talented educator. Overall I have a deep respect for professor Mayergoyz and would recommend everyone take a course with him during their time at UMD.
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A+
best professor in the EE department
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A
As others said, his exams are based on the material that he teaches during lectures. He does not follow any book so you will need to come to lectures and take good notes. His exams are easy (try understanding each equation in lectures, then memorizing will be easy), and you will learn a lot from his lectures. I highly recommend taking his class.
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A-
Mayergoyz is an excellent professor, but don't mistake excellence for being easy. The class is based off of 3 exams, and 2-3 HWs. The HWs are given in the 1st half of the semester (before November for fall && before April for Spring). Following this, you have no more HW assignments in the class. There are 3 exams, two midterms & 1 final. There's never a curve because the average on exams is usually around an 80%. The exams are straight forward, and you know what will be on them going into the exam (nothing tricky whatsoever). The catch is you have to know the material by heart, you have to know it like the palm of your hand. You have to know it so well that when you see the question, you don't even think about it you just write. Its a memorization style exam, no solving like you do in 303 or 322 per say. I just took the final in 474 and it literally took all of the 2 hours for me to finish. I seriously maybe only took 5 mins total to relax my hand haha. Overall, an excellent class to be in and you will learn A LOT!
Isaak Mayergoyz

Expecting an A
Mayergoyz is a fantastic professor. Also, he has a spectacular accent. He is not easy, but he is good at facilitating your learning. All the homework is in the first half of the semester (which is a lot of work, but, for the second half you dont have nearly as much work) His lectures are easy to understand and follow, and if you take good notes and number equations like he does, it is easy to find things. Everything that is important he repeats multiple times and is very straightforward about everything.