Paul Maykish

This professor has taught: FGSM355, FGSM360, FGSM375, HNUH359T, HNUH368T, HNUH379T, HONR378A
Information Review
Paul Maykish

Expecting a B+
Dr. Maykish is a true educator. Not only does he come with an amazing background in national security & the intelligence community, but he is as engaging a professor as I've ever seen. He genuinely cares about everyone's learning & will spend time with each student to develop them as writers & thinkers. His class is such a positive vibe - cannot recommend enough. Be ready to work & be challenged. Give yourself time ahead of assignment deadlines - they can be hefty, but are so worthwhile. This year, our class time was Thursday night 7-10pm, but I never needed coffee or felt the desire to skip his class because of how he ran this seminar.
Paul Maykish

I loved Professor Maykish!!!!! SO knowledgeable, such a nice guy, offers such constructive feedback for you. He showed up to every class so excited to learn and discuss. Really cares for his students and a great partner to Professor Usher.