Patrick McAvoy

This professor has taught: ENEE473, ENES100, ENES100A, ENES102, ENES102H, ENES221
Information Review
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a B+
I originally took ENES221 with Kiger before withdrawing and taking it over the summer with McAvoy and McAvoy is a far better choice. His lectures are clearer and he breaks things down very well. He can ramble and get off track but usually the point he's trying to make is actually very relevant and helpful. I would say that no matter the professor READ THE TEXTBOOK, it is a very good resource that can help you and it takes about maybe 10-20 minutes to read the chapter before class each day.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A+
He is a decent lecturer, and spends most of each class period going over example problems which I found to be very helpful. The homework was extremely difficult, which was not reflective of the Exams or Quizzes. Exams were very easy and straightforward with averages in the 80s. If you can do even half of the homework problems you should be able to do fine in the class. Definitely recommend McAvoy as he makes a course with very conceptual and difficult content relatively easy.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a C
[Taken Fall 2023] I do not agree that Patrick McAvoy is a five star professor, but I will admit he is not terrible. His lectures are fairly useful, but the way he does the example problems isn't super useful in my opinion. He seems to always take the scenic route in solving problems, relying on his great conceptual knowledge which students simply don't have as they aren't teaching it over and over again. I feel like he overcomplicates dynamics when he teaches this way combined with when he does unnecessarily difficult practice problems (that aren't reflective of the exams). His written exams are fair in what they expect of you and are not too difficult- overthinking may cost you like in my case. The only problem that exists with the exams is the CBTF portion, which in summary accounts for 40% of each exam grade and is taken separately in a computer lab. It grades all or nothing with zero partial credit and is more conceptual than the written exam. In practice the CBTF is terrible and I have personally seen it take large chunks out of the overall grade of students far more intelligent than myself who do well otherwise on the written exams. Also, getting points back on a regrade request for your written exams is essentially impossible as Pat is very by-the-book and is very greedy with points. Finally, dealing with McAvoy when you have questions about the class (not the material) is extremely irritating, as he is a stickler for the rules. I once asked him about whether I could take one of the written exams at a later time because I had a Calc 3 exam earlier in the day which finished ten minutes before, and he was very reluctant to make any accommodations for me and I had to go back and forth with him by email until he finally stated that if I "hypothetically" showed up late and "hypothetically" had an appropriate excuse he would consider giving me extra time at the end to complete the exam. In conclusion, McAvoy is a decent professor that you don't need to avoid, just be aware that he isn't "the best professor in the engineering department" which other reviewers seem to believe.
Patrick McAvoy

Nice guy, bad lecturer.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
Very good lecturer. Goes through example problems explaining concepts and also how to solve problems. The quizzes and tests were a lot easier than the homework, discussion, and lecture example problems which made it a bit annoying to study for. Overall a great professor. Easily makes a challenging class manageable for anyone who shows up.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
He is AWESOME! He is so enthusiastic to teach, and you can see it with how much he clearly cares about the topics and having the students learn. He creates a very welcoming environment, grades quickly, responds in depth emails quickly, and makes it easy to learn. He is worth an 8am class.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
Great guy and fair grader. If you can take a class with McAvoy you will not regret it; he is definitely the best professor I've had in college so far.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a C
I took this class in Fall 2022. He was a very nice professor who is happy to help students. He didn't curve the class at all (maybe 1 or 2 percent) and didn't give extra credit like the other ENES102H class for homework. The class environment also feels very "elite" and everyone seems to know what they were doing and doesn't seem like asking questions even if they're confused. Definitely go to discussion because you'll learn a lot doing problems on your own.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
THE BEST PROFESSOR IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Take him. I highly highly recommend you take 221 over winter. He gives a lot of partial credit making it easy to pass this difficult course. If you take it during the semester, you aren’t awarded partial credit for anything. The midterm and final over winter had exam averages in the high Bs. It’s a lot to take it over winter, but Dr. McAvoy makes it interesting and tolerable. Take him over the winter and you want be sorry. He values every question, stays late to answer everyone’s question, and spends a lot of time explaining topics in ways that make it easy to understand.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A
Lectures: Goes really slow so you can understand concepts. Really easy if you've already taken AP Physics C Mechanics. Tests: Tests are standardized for the whole course, they're way easier than the homeworks and are very similar to the groupworks. Office hours: Don't bother going to his office hours, he has good intentions but often just talks for a long time and you don't get much out of it. Sometimes he felt a little disorganized but I can't blame the guy he was always kind and enthusiastic. Go to the TA office hours instead, find a TA you like and then just keep going to their office hours. Tips: Understand the intuition behind a cross product and program your calculator to be able to do a cross product. Will make your life so much easier.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
Seriously great professor. He is super passionate about physics and engineering and his lectures are great--he gives good notes with derivations and the follows it up with examples every lecture. He can answer any question you ask him. Literally any question. Office hours are super helpful too!
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A-
Just take him! One of the best professors in engineering department and really caring for every student. I think he is really knowledgeable and was able to solve all my questions during office hours so just take him you won't regret.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a B
I absolutely recommend you to take Prof McAvoy if you possibly can! He is SOOOOO nice and very clear in his explanations. I took ENES221 over winter and was really nervous going into it. He kept the course very well organized with lots of well made pre-recorded lectures and consistent class schedules. I agree with previous reviews that he genuinely wants everyone to succeed. ENES221 is no joke and taking the condensed version over the winter is tough, but at the same time McAvoy takes that into account and gives problems that are at reasonable difficulty for students who have to learn a chapter a day. If you have the time to dedicate three weeks straight to studying (I had to take off work during this timespan just to keep up), I recommend getting dynamics out of the way over winter with this awesome instructor.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a B
Gonna ignore how hard this course is for this review. Prof McAvoy is a genuinely nice person and wants us all to succeed. Says every question is a "really great question and brings up an excellent point" even if it's dumb. Prepares theory as well as example problems and is very smart. However, going to his office hours are sometimes a waste of time because he can talk forever. He might spend his whole office hour talking with one student to answer a question. And if you were looking for a simple answer or a quick question than you'll be with him for at least 10 minutes.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A+
Professor McAvoy is a great teacher who obviously knows a great deal about the subject matter. He is able to answer any questions you have, and he understands the common mistakes students make and how to resolve them. I definitely recommend taking his class if given the option!
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting a B+
He really loves the material and cares about the students. If you put forth the effort to seek help and do the problems, you will do well. Overall, this class is known to be pretty challenging, so prepare for exams well in advance.
Patrick McAvoy

Expecting an A
He is a great professor! Really chill guy and is super nice to all of his students. He is very understanding and has pushed back deadlines for our class multiple times because he knew that no one could get it done in such a small amount of time. I recommend his classes to anyone.