William McDonough

This professor has taught: GEOL100, GEOL386, GEOL445, GEOL471, GEOL671, GEOL789O, GEOL789X, HONR279W
Information Review
William McDonough

I really enjoyed his class. He is nice, friendly and a great teacher. Mr. McDonough is funny and tries to make Geology as fun as he possibly can. It is obvious that he truly loves geology. I would recommend this class to anyone. I am glad I took it.
William McDonough

Expecting an A
Bill McDonough is the coolest, nerdiest professor. 10/10 would recommend. His rock puns are so gneiss and I phyllite if you gave this professor a chance you would not be disappointed. If you put in the effort, you will of quartz get an A. I love Bill and I love his passion for minerals. He rocks.
William McDonough

Expecting an A+
Very nice guy. Exams are very easy and homework/exam questions can be found easily online. Exam questions are often pulled from homework questions. Warning: for the first exam, he included a few questions that theoretically was not supposed to be on the exam (as per the syllabus) but that he did mention in class.
William McDonough

Expecting a 85
Stephanie Ingber
Alright, so all lecture slides are put online. But when people did not come to class, he messed with the students. He would tell the students that came to lecture that extra lectures/chapters would be on the midterms and then not send an email out. He also changed the day of the midterm and did not tell students. He pretty much wanted to "teach a lesson" to kids who didnt come to lecture, when he put everything online. You can completely pass the class without going to lectures but the teacher was an a-hole. **ALSO, he removed ALL THE LECTURE SLIDES AND QUIZZES THE DAY BEFORE THE FINAL!!! .....interesting course but the teacher did not understand that were in COLLEGE.
William McDonough

Expecting a B
He's a cool guy with a Boston accent. Only problem with him is that his lectures are pretty bad. He dwells on a single subject forever and never finishes the lecture so the only way to learn is through the book, which is essentially a picture book with captions under them. After reading the book, you would think the exams would be easy. Then the exams come and you wonder where these questions came from. The first exam average was a 50%... In conclusion, the exams are ridiculously hard that he made a revision to the syllabus saying he'll drop the lowest exam grade. He also had to make the final open book because everyone was failing exams throughout the semester. He doesn't curve. Overall, a great guy, bad class. Don't take it.