Colleen McGilpin

This professor has taught: EDSP376
Information Review
Colleen McGilpin

Expecting an A+
Incredible teacher! I learned so much from this class and highly recommend her to anyone who's trying to learn ASL. The workload is light. You'll get an A if you attend class, participate, and submit assignments. She's an extremely understanding grader and she gives you positive, constructive feedback on your progress. Please take her if you can!
Colleen McGilpin

Expecting an A+
I love Colleen. She is a great teacher- I have learned so much from her. She is so sweet and understanding. I have had problems with assignments and she will extend the due date. If she was teaching ASL 2 I would 100% take her class again. The homework and exams are easy if you pay attention in class, it is not a hard class at all.