Patrick McNamee

This professor has taught: BMGT311, BMGT410, BMGT422, BUAC732, BUAC758F, BUSO602
Information Review
Patrick McNamee

The guy uses google sheets, that should say enough about him as a professor.
Patrick McNamee

oh wow, oh wow and I thought my 310 professor was bad LMAO, this is truly the most disorganized class I've ever taken, everyday you have a page of activities and istg there is 1 million links to 1 million different assignments, it is impossible to keep track of what's going on. Oh and the guy doesn't even teach, he just shows the solution, kicking myself for thinking that my 310 professor was bad when he actually went over his examples and explained the concepts. I am praying for my grade as im studying for this first exam.
Patrick McNamee

First time, and probably the only time, that I am leaving a review for a professor. If you value your time DO NOT take this professor. I read the reviews and thought "how bad can it really be?", but this is a nightmare. You are expected to learn all of the material outside of class, which makes me wonder why we even have class if we have to learn it on our own. He doesn't do much teaching in class, only practice problems that he barely explains and just speeds through. The weekly assignments and end of class reflections are the epitome of busy work and is what you would probably expect in an english/writing-based class not accounting. I know there are some decent reviews for this professor and it may seem tempting, but you need to avoid him at all costs. I do feel bad for leaving a review like this because he is a nice guy, but this class should be considered a crime for how much money they're stealing from students.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting a C
He is really horrible teacher . Please avoid him . Learning nothing . He will treat you in class very well but when you went his office hour ..He will treat you like a trash . I also experienced too. After one exam done , I went to his office hour ....He asked me " What grade do you expect in his class ?" I believed every student want grade A and will expect it . Then , I replied his question " I want A " but he told me " you are not still getting passing grade and don't expect to grade A ." And also one more thing that he made me so depressed is ..... he told me like I am not suitable with accounting major and you should change your major . At the moment , I start depressed and I don't know what should I do . After all final exam done , he sent email me which is about " Could I curious your intermediate I Professor ? " I think it doesn't necessary . Why he want to know my intermediate I professor .Very worst . I am not usually writing review to any Professor . For that Professor , I don't to waste all students' time and money because all students frustrated with his teaching style and learning nothing . I swear I tried so hard and did very well but I only get passing grade . waste my time and money
Patrick McNamee

Expecting a B+
He changed his course structure over and over again and had an overall awful teaching style to go along with it. He gives a ton of work outside of class (that isnt graded but he will cold call you on it in class) just to do nothing with the class time and have pass or fail exams with the cutoff being 85%. Everyone in the class was upset with how he ran things and I do not know if this is the only teacher for 311 but I would avoid at all costs.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting a W
Probably one of the worst professors I’ve encountered at UMD. Most students in the class are frustrated with his teaching style. The workload is overwhelming, and the time spent on this class feels excessive for what you get out of it. He doesn’t actually teach or provide meaningful guidance, leaving students to figure everything out on their own. Attending class feels pointless, and the assignments, like the reflections, seem like a complete waste of time. If you can avoid taking his class, I strongly recommend you do.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A+
Very nice professor!
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
He's a nice guy, but a horrible professor. I learned nothing.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
Probably the most boring professor I've had in the business school. The dude assigns like 20 homework assignments throughout the semester, and over 30 classwork assignments over the semester. Most students do not attend his lecture after the first few weeks because it turns into a snooze fest. Most of his teachings are time fillers and are not in the same format as the midterms or finals. He is pretty disorganized and randomly adds or removes assignments throughout. Only reason he gets 2 stars is because you basically get to choose your own grade in the course if you complete all of the 50 assignments.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
I've now had McNamee for both 311 and 422, and he is one of the great delights of the institution. You definitely have to resist the urge to not pay attention, but class is actually very enjoyable when you get to do the spreadsheet exercises (even though they are tricky he will show you how to do it). Extremely kind and loves to tell jokes that usually aren't that funny but it makes me laugh anyways because it fits his personality so well. It's a medium workload, just do it before it's due and you'll get a nice grade for the class
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A+
Great guy, very generous and understanding. His teaching style can border on boring at times, but it's much better to pay attention so you have an idea of how to do the in class practice problems. Definitely does not have a typical accounting teaching style, but if you apply yourself, you will learn, if you're just looking to coast by for a grade, you can but thats at your educational cost. Im looking forward to having him again for 422!!
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
He is very kind and really wants to make his class as stress free as possible. He also focuses on us actually learning how to apply skills. His class has no number grades and instead grades everything based on completion. He allows you to retry assignments that did not meet his expectations and is always open to questions. He tries to keep class lighthearted and funny. On the last day of class he bought the whole class scratch offs. His class structure is always being improved and takes student feedback very seriously.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
Do you get to pick your grade? Yes Will you learn anything? Probably not Just because the class is an easy A doesn't make him a good professor. He does not do a good job of teaching. The structure of the class changes every week and the work he assigns is not helpful at all. The lectures are even worse. He is all over the place and teaches whatever comes to his mind. There were so many times he would have us do practice problems and he wouldn't be able to get the correct answer. His classes are disorganized and I would not recommend if you actually care about learning.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
Had him for 311 and 422, he is a top 3 professors at the business school, easy grading, very nice, and he has alot of experience in the accounting world
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
He's a very nice guy and his lectures can be informative. He also has some good experiences from the business world and good stories to tell. But he can often be a bit scattered when it comes to lecturing. It seemed like he wouldn't really know the material prior to coming to class and often had answers that didn't match the answers provided by McGraw-Hill. I'm sure he knows his stuff but it would look better if he knew how to work through the problems to get the correct answer for each lecture. Additionally, he seemed to change his methods many times throughout the semester. We started with a weekly self reflection and then that wasn't working so we tried a Google sheets plan, which he stopped asking for after a month or so. I think Professor McNamee would benefit from a structured course planned ahead of time and to stick with it. Finally, he used a new approach to the class this semester called "ungrading" where all of the assignments are not graded and there are no exams and whatnot. The only thing is you get a final grade at the end of the semester based on the amount of effort he believes you've put into the course. This is evidenced by your effort on the midterm and final "self-assessment", how many assignments you completed, how often you came to class, etc. This creates a low stakes environment that is focused on learning, which I enjoyed. Each of us submitted the grade we believe we deserved (I assume most of us said we deserved A's), and he kept 65% of them, increased 13% and decreased 18% (4% was TBD at the time of writing). I would take a course with Professor McNamee again because he's a nice guy and I think as he teaches more and more he will become less scattered and develop a solid framework for his classes.
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
Probably the worst professor I have ever had.
Patrick McNamee

If you want to learn, look elsewhere
Patrick McNamee

Same review as the one star. He ended up being amazing. Was understood about the exam and did his absolute best to right his mistake. Very understanding teacher who is passionate about Accounting. Would definitely recommend
Patrick McNamee

Expecting an A
He's new to UMD in the fall of 2021, so I don't think he understands the cadence of teaching here yet. Really smart guy but not a good professor. tries to teach accounting without the use of journal entries/t accounts?? basically taught the whole course to myself
Patrick McNamee

Good luck. Not understanding at all. The average grade on the first exam was a 71%, with 46% of the class getting a D or F after the curve. He was not understanding at all and put the great majority of the blame on students. If he's the only professor you can take, get a tutor and start praying.