Greg Midgette

This professor has taught: CCJS200, CCJS352, CCJS621, CCJS650, CCJS720
Information Review
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A-
The class was hard, but I felt like he cared a lot about us succeeding. I don't get how people were upset that lecture was hard to follow when the slides and videos of the lectures are all online. The exams were just like the class assignments and he was helpful in office hours.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A-
I have some qualms with him but also some great points. His lectures can be really hard to follow but honestly, you MUST go in order to succeed in any capacity. He spends a really long time on really easy subjects and then not enough time on really hard concepts. He makes you do math HIS way even if you found a way that's easier to do for yourself. Midgette and the TAs will take points off if you do not do the math their way. He will not give you the answers to the practice exams which means you NEED to go to the TA meeting to get the answers. His exams aren't bad though because they basically mirror the practice exams. He does offer extra credit for every exam which did boost my overall grade by probably 5% and it's super easy. He gives out 3 midterms (all open note) and your final is a paper but he needed to elaborate better on the directions of the paper. I would probably pick someone else if possible.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A
If there is another professor available, I highly recommend taking it with them and not Midgette. His lectures are disorganized and boring and the early lecture time and class length does not help. Statistics is not necessarily interesting, but the way that this man taught was so boring and I basically only showed up in person when there was an exam. The TAs were also not helpful at all and were opaque with their feedback. Most of the time, you would have no idea how to do something unless you spent a long time in office hours or asked someone who did. The exams were simple as long as you did the practice exams, but they did not give the answer to those so you have once again go through office hours or ask someone who did. Most people I knew felt that they were lost and did not know if what they did was right when it came to the big assignments ie final paper and problem sets, and I was honestly surprised that I even got an A because I muddled through this class. Not worth your time and effort.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A
Professor Midgette is a very good professor. Most of the time the only students who struggled in the course (and complained constantly in the GroupMe) simply didn't go to lecture. Lecture is a must, at least in the beginning when building the foundation. I am not an expert with excel, so I did struggle with some of the homework assignments (there are 4), but the exams (3) are VERY easy if you pay attention in class (he even allows a whole cheat sheet with practically no restrictions and many easy extra credit opportunities). The comments that review Midgette as rushing through lectures are somewhat correct, however, I only found the first few lectures to be a little bit rushed but that was only while covering basic material. The course is a little fast-paced, but Midgette is not to blame, there is lots of material the course covers and Midgette does his best to explain, and help students.
Greg Midgette

Expecting a W
Midgets sucks! I dropped the class when I had a C- and retook it with Lehman the next semester and got the easiest 98% ever
Greg Midgette

Expecting a W
Worst Professor I’ve ever had. I’m a 4.0 student and this is the only class I couldn’t succeed in…let that sink in. Dr. Midgette is a nice guy but he prepares you for failure. He will rush through lectures and then exam you on topics he spent 5 minutes on. By the time of the midterm, the class average was a C. If you want to succeed don’t take Dr. Midgette
Greg Midgette

Expecting a C-
Prof Midgette might honestly be one of the worst professors I have ever had. His lecture notes are often difficult to understand and unexplanatory. During his live lectures, he moves incredibly fast and gets off track. He often describes the importance of what we're learning versus actually TEACHING us what we're supposed to be learning. He rarely shows examples of how to solve formulas and rarely shows the application of these formulas (as you would need to do on an exam). His exam questions are also overly complicated and worded incredibly strangely. He often applies his formulas in excel even though we will need to do the math manually on tests, which leaves me more confused. I really do not recommend taking this class with him. He is the only teacher to have ever caused me an immense amount of stress.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A
Prof Midgette is the 2nd worst professor I've taken in my entire college career. He rushes through lectures so fast you can't even take notes. If you're someone that needs to see examples of problems being done in class to understand concepts in math, don't take him. He write's out very few examples, and the ones he does are confusing because he doesn't explain why he's doing what he's doing. During COVID I think that this class was probably much easier because you can pause and resume video lectures, but you don't have that option in a classroom. I'm expecting all A's this semester, and I'm a good student. I've never rated a professor before, but this class caused an astounding amount of stress and strife in my life.
Greg Midgette

Prof Midgette definitely wants his students to succeed. He does try to make the class as interesting as possible since it's a mandatory class for CCJS majors and the subject can be boring. As for the class itself, the content starts off not too bad with difficulty but progressively gets harder. In terms of grades, there are weekly quizzes that aren't too hard as long as you look at the lectures and 6 excel assignments where you take data and apply the concepts you learn to them. Overall, you will have to put some effort in but thankfully, Midgette can be very helpful if you need him.
Greg Midgette

Amazing professor. I thought his lectures were very straightforward and easy to understand. Even though its not the most interesting/easy subject, he really tried to help students do well by thoroughly explaining how to do the questions on the problem sets. Ultimately, really great guy and professor.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A+
Midgette was super helpful during COVID and shaped his course to be manageable while being online. He gives you all the materials you need to do well in the class. The class isn't necessarily easy but he certainly doesn't make it any harder than it has to be.
Greg Midgette

Expecting an A
Greg is probably one of the cooler crim professors you'll have. He's done a lot of prior research on drugs and their relation to crime so he has a good understanding of what he's teaching. He has post lecture quizzes that are basically freebies if you just attend class and take a couple notes. There are memos you have to write as a group which are graded pretty leniently. For exams, he gives out review sheets and does jeopardy for extra credit. The readings are optional since he just goes over the main points during lecture. Very likable guy, 5/5.