Nicholas Misukanis

This professor has taught: HIST208C, HIST339W
Information Review
Nicholas Misukanis

Expecting an A+
Nick is easily the best professor I've taken! He's so kind and considerate of the class and the workload, offered deadline changes and was open to adjusting the syllabus as needed. Nick's a great lecturer when we got to do that, but 208 only does that for a few weeks, so I wanted to have more. When it came to the history research he was incredibly supportive at every step of the process from the idea stage/brainstorming, finding sources, and developing all the way into refining the argument, peer edits and final touches. Also an easy grader if you put in the effort. Really approachable, likable, good sense of humor and always checking in and offering help. The class made me feel choosing to major in history was the absolute correct choice. I totally recommend taking him if possible!