Nicole Mogul

This professor has taught: CPET240, CPSP227, CPSP249E, CPSP349T, CPSP369E, CPSS100, CPSS101, CPSS220, CPSS225, CPSS340, EDSP652, ENEE200, ENES214, ENES216, ENES440, IDEA258A
Information Review
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Very rude
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
I’m giving one star because this teacher constantly pushes her political ideology in class instead of remaining neutral. As a teacher, it is her job to present both perspectives fairly, yet she consistently takes a stance on one side of the political spectrum. It’s frustrating because students should be encouraged to think critically, not be indoctrinated with one-sided viewpoints. m. She goes out of her way to hate on Trump's actions as president, making unnecessary and biased comments instead of focusing on the actual subject matter. You can easily tell which side of the political spectrum she falls under which is really just horrible as a teacher. It's your job to foster neutrality in the classroom. And even if she were pushing the side I personally support, I would still feel the same way. A classroom should be a place for open discussion and learning, not political bias disguised as education. She probably knows who wrote this, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s failing to do her job properly. Teachers should inform, not influence. Avoid her class at ALL costs.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
The prompt says to keep my review relevant to the instructor's teaching, so let me be brief. She cant teach. She cant speak. And when she does she puts you down and it condescending. Avoid her class if you have the option.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Ridiculous workload as a gened course. Harsh professor as well. Do not recommend.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Boring lecture but easy A, very ridiculous pre lecs but at least i have done all of them before lecture by an hour where i have a break, there are better professors so just take them tbh. Attendance is mandatory which almost unalived me tbh. The TAs are pretty chill and funny and they get how some of the work is just too much for what. The lecture is so long and she would never let the class end early even if we were done she would just yap the rest out. She would walk around and stop any conversations that would allow some bonding between group members just cus it dont have a connection to the topic in her opinion.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Scrolling through these reviews, I see a lot of very strong, negative opinions. This does not surprise me. As another reviewer mentioned, many students during class complained nearly every day. If I am being completely honest, the complaints were annoying after a while, and I did not always think they were justified. If you are an ECE major, this class is the easiest requirement you'll have to do. If you show up and turn in your assignments, you get an A. You don't have to be a great writer, or even completely understand the point of an assignment- if you somewhat try, it will be marked as "complete." I am not entirely sure why people think this class is "too much work." It may have more assignments than you anticipated, but none of those assignments were challenging, and they were often very lenient with deadlines. This was, by far, my least stressful class this semester. Other professors may take a more traditional approach to ethics, but they also have quizzes. If you prefer a standard lecture, another professor may be a better option. That being said, I found some of these negative reviews to be a bit dramatic. In lecture, we got assigned tables, and switched a few times throughout the semester. I found that my experience was largely dependent on who was at my table, seeing as this class is largely discussion based. Sitting with students who regularly complained was, frankly, the worst. When you don't actually try to engage with the material, the lecture will drag on. Like anything else, you get out what you put in. The style of teaching is certainly not for everyone, of course, but a lot of people didn't even try the activities they were complaining about in the first place. You probably noticed some of the more negative reviews on here also throw around a lot of pretty serious insults at Nicole. Those reviewers are the same people who just don't "get" why we have to learn about ethics as engineers. As for Nicole, she is obviously passionate about what she is teaching. She goes out of her way to learn students' names in a large class, check in on us, and start conversations. A few people found this to be weird. I thought that these people were rather immature. One review in particular summed up some stories we reviewed as "trivial engineering mistakes." Sorry to single that person out, but that is exactly why this class is necessary. These were entirely non-trivial issues that hurt a lot of people. From my perspective, the content and the professor are not the problem. This is an easy A, and if you actually put in a little effort, you'll probably get something out of it.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
I originally did not intend to write a review of ENEE200 with Nicole Mogul, but during our final class, she expressed that her discontentment with her own performance metrics on student-eval websites, Rate My Professor and PlanetTerp, and chalked her (less-than ideal) averages up to "trolls" - disgruntled students with no valid opinion. Therefore, I am leaving some feedback for Nicole. In every afternoon lecture and throughout every discussion session, between us students, is a persistent cloud of discontentment with how the ethics class is run. At each table, in between passes by our instructors and TAs, student conversations deviate from the assigned topic and always collapse upon issues such as: "Why are we doing this activity?", "What does this have to do with Engineering?", or "I wish I skipped class today". Every student can recognize the efforts from the teaching team to try and deliver a cohesive ethics education in just one semester. However, Nicole fails to accomplish this due to her insistence on redefining Engineering Ethics based on abstract frameworks (primarily STS Postures), championed so strongly by the instructor herself, yet rarely heard-of outside of social science academia. I understand that, to Nicole, ethics is better analyzed through the novel framework she pioneered through her publishing years. However, speaking for the majority Nicole's students, whose participation in ENEE200 is by obligation and not by personal interest, we lack the motivation to indulge ourselves in the scope of what STS has to offer, but instead, just wish to efficiently take away what our department finds essential about an ethics education, before moving back to our major-related interests. This is not to say that the engineering students at the university do not accept anything that Nicole teaches. Some of my most enjoyable moments in the class were when we read stories about famous engineering catastrophes. But to be forced to read through and apply a foreign framework (that we won't look at again in our careers) towards, what are ultimately trivial engineering mistakes, is an egregiously frustrating task for students whose base-level workloads are already amidst the heaviest in our university. Nicole attempts to remedy this through group "stretches", assigned exercise, and other means intended to relieve our stress. While the thoughtfulness is appreciated, it must be stated that this class in-itself substantially adds to the stress level of its engineering students due to its heavy workload and *100%* mandatory attendance. Guided stretching does no use in relieving our academic pressure when the class replaces substantial homework time (4.75 hrs / wk), and imposes an additional 2-3 writing assignments, per week, on top of our other assigned work. All of these grievances are what culminate in Nicole's low ratings. On PlanetTerp, Nicole has a staggeringly poor rating of 2.82/5.00 across 22 reviews, while competing instructors like Wesley Lawson enjoy higher reviews - a 3.68/5.00 across 56 reviews - while some, like Timothy Reedy, enjoy a 4.06/5.00. Only one instructor, Kazuo Nakajima, has a lower average rating than Nicole, although he has only one ENEE200 review on-record. Nicole's low ratings are a product of her students' collective dissatisfaction with the way she runs her class. Nicole makes a critical error in judgement in assuming that her off-campus feedback is just the product of unintelligent hooligans. I wish she could spend a day as one of her students, and hear just how much discontentment is shared about her curriculum when her students enjoy moments of privacy. I finish this review by saying that I receive no joy in writing this much negativity about Nicole. I wish I took away a positive impression of engr. ethics after spending over 5 hours per week on this subject, but that simply isn't true. Take something from your students: this class needs to be run better.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
3 stars is honestly fair. She makes the class easy as long as you take it for what it is and are an active participant. If you just sit there doing nothing, her and the AMPs will come around and force conversation from you, which given what the class is, is fair. Mogul treats the class like like they're elementary schoolers, which gets annoying with her "cellphone sandwiches" and nametags, but if you can look past that, the lectures are fun if you have a good group. The work assigned seems pointless at times, but again, if you can look past that there's no reason not to get an A in the class.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting a W
I don't get the hate. Shes a chill teacher with her grading. I would reccomend her
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
Mogul is a nice person but this isn't an engineering ethics class when she teaches it. Still an easy A though. People complain about the amount of writing we do in this class but there really isn't that much.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
this professor gives an absolutely ridiculous amount of work. this class is not supposed to consume 5 hours a week and i shouldnt have to sit at my desk for an hour to try and figure out what the actual assignment is. i dont care if she spends time preparing her lectures she should realize that this is a technical elective and 100% of her students have actual meaningful work they need to get done and this just gets in the way.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
If you are choosing a scholars program, do not choose STS. Nicole is a very ~annoying~ professor. Most of the assignments and activities you do are not at all related to the course, and feel like things you would do in elementary school. With that being said though, the work is very easy, and for 340 she uses contract grading, so basically as long as you turn in the work and go to class you will get an A. BUT, you will have to do her pointless improv and skit activities so do with that what you will.
Nicole Mogul

I agree with other users that the work load is a little bit too much and lectures/assignments can be little boring. But she's a great professor and a great human being. She genuinely puts in a lot of effort into the class. My TA was super chill and gave us extensions when we needed it. You will unfortunately meet people in the class who lack the emotional maturity to fully appreciate what is being taught and the importance of it. Their fragile egos cause them to point fingers at the teacher instead of taking a step back and let some of the ideas sink in. All in all it should be an easy A as long as you put in the time to do the work and participate.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A-
Trash professor. Makes us do stupid abstract unrelated skits in discussion sections that have little to no relations to the course topics. Forces us to do a land declaration in the first class and say how we stole the land we live in from Native Americans. Made a very poorly supported and unprofessional brochoure that serves as a basis for discussion topics. My TA gave her some feedbacks from my section containing some concerns regarding the workload, she dismissed it instantly.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
This professor assigns an absolutely absurd amount of work. As an Electrical/Computer engineer, I already have other difficult classes conceptually, this class is immensely time-consuming and the professor does not seem to understand that it is a 3 credit course. Out of all my classes right now, on ELMS I have 6 assignments due in the next week and 5 of them are for this class.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
These reviews make her seem like a terrible person but that is simply not the case. She genuinely cares about her students and is very nice/funny. She likes to bring people out of their comfort zone and super into mindfulness. She ran this class with a thing called the Grading Contract. Which essentially says, you will get an A if you make an attempt at every assignment. Very easy A class, in class she always does some fun or quirky activities, which is nice cause i feel like those tend to be very rare in college classes. Sometimes the assignments felt really dumb or like busy work but I honestly didn't need to spend too much time in the class cause i knew i was gonna get an A with the contract. She also does care about the content of the course. Overall not a bad course to fulfill the Practicum with.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Honestly these reviews are a bit much, and I would disregard them. I had Mogul for Fall 2021 semester. Anyone who couldn't digest the material or her method of teaching really needs to look inwards at themselves instead of pointing fingers at the professor. Mogul spends so much time preparing for lectures and really cares about her students. You can tell this class is her passion and and the effort she puts into this is also admirable. You have to take this class anyways probably so go with her, she's really nice. Easy A, too.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
Dr. Mogul is probably the worst professor I have yet to encounter at this university. The only thing you will gain out of her teaching is a despise for her character and mannerisms. I would elaborate on why her method of teaching is so poor but it is already perfectly described by some of the other 1-2 star reviews in this list. It is clear that the university only hired her as a means to fulfill some quota.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
tldr, WORST PROFESSOR AND WORST CLASS I’VE EVER HAD. I’m my three years of taking classes at UMD, this class and this professor are by far the most unenjoyable, unproductive, and irritating course I’ve had the displeasure of taking. ENEE200 is a waste of time and a big one at that. You are assigned 2+ readings/videos a week that simultaneously say nothing interesting and talk down to you. The authors are either nobodies, overrated academia stars, or both. You are also assigned 2 to 3 writing assignments a week, sometimes due the same day that they are assigned (so good luck if you had any other plans Thursday night cause that assignment needs to get done). Expect to put in 2-3 hours+ a week of your own time into this time waster that just leaves you irritated after completing the assignments filled with condescending questions that you have to answer. If being “woke” was a major, this would be a core requirement. Class time itself is a mess. Lectures and discussions are mandatory (of course). You learn nothing and are instead divided into groups to discuss whatever ridiculous question is posted on the board, while the professor walks around and somehow contributes a negative amount to your group when she comes to speak with you. Discussions are somehow even more pointless, we’re asked to do these ridiculous activities like copying the actions your partner does, or writing down what your anthropomorphized phone you’ll say to you. Discussion activities are humiliating and degrading. We’re in college not kindergarten for God’s sake! Only plus side is that as long as you turn in assignments and attend lecture and discussion, you will get an A. But I urge you to take a class that’s actually interesting, or at least any professor that isn’t Mogul, who is the least interesting, most shallow, and most unintelligent person I’ve run into during my time at UMD. Is it really an easy A if you need to put in 6+ hours a week into it, if you count lecture, discussion, and impromptu assignments? I think that the only reason Mogul is still around is that the material she’s pushing the -20 IQ slogans that academia has come to love in recent years. Avoid her and this class at all costs.
Nicole Mogul

She's super nice and I found the class pretty interesting. There's a lot of writing for an engineering class. She made us do all sorts of activities moving around and doing stuff, some were fun and some were random.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
DO NOT TAKE HER CLASS especially do not take the winter or summer session. Stupid activities in class and read a lot, Almost tons of boring reading materials and also the reports that 1-1.5 single spaced long(everyday). If u r not engineering students, don't take her class; if yes, take the regular sessions or another prof. GRADES are fine tho.
Nicole Mogul

I did not appreciate being required to pay over $30 for the digital coursepack, which contained only two articles that easily could have been uploaded to Elms. This felt like a complete waste of money. I also just believe that there was a lot of unnecessary material in this course. A lot of activities we did felt more like ice breakers that didn't have a clear connection to ethics.
Nicole Mogul

Dr. Mogul made us do several somewhat irritating activities, in which we had to walk around our house or go outside (in the middle of winter) to listen to sounds, smell random items, and draw random objects. The last time I did this much smelling and drawing, I was in Elementary School. Professor Mogul definitely had good intentions with these activities, but most of the time came across as childish and inconvenient. I also did not like that the details of the CEC paper were not revealed until a few days before the first draft had to be complete.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
Definitely one of the more interesting classes that the ENEE department offers. The UTFs are all pretty good and getting a good grade isn't hard if you put effort into your writing. Dr. Mogul was flexible when we moved online and was receptive to students if they needed extra time on an assignment. Her instructions for assignments can be confusing at times, so small warning.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A+
Dr. Mogul is an extremely unintelligent woman, who tries to be relatable but comes off as ingenuine. While it may seem that she has the best intentions, it is clear that the entire coursework is BS. I would take the course if you want an easy Gen Ed and are an engineering major, but there are plenty of better and easier Gen Ed classes to take. Honestly, this class is a lot of writing and extremely easy, but it was a struggle to take her seriously during lectures, especially when she cuts of students answers mid-sentence, embarrassingly directs her anger at the Assistant Dean of the Engineering IT Staff for her technology not working, and for her ridiculously useless assignments. All this class has taught me about ethics is stuff I already know.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A-
Fine lady honestly. Funny at times. Long and boring lectures. Lots of assignments although no final exam but a long paper. Tries to do fun things but don't turn out to be so. Reading each week and assignment each Friday (hated this assignment). Stupid skit at the end of the semester which is pointless and stupid for an ethics class imo.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
ENEE200 isn't really a class to worry that much about in general, but it was very enjoyable wunder Nicole's instruction. She creates a great atmosphere every lecture, and it's a nice change of pace from all of the equations and circuits that we have to deal with in every other major requirement course. Interesting lectures, including a lot of video content, and a lot of thought-provoking conversatio about Ethics in Engineering. Great class! Short essay due every week (Friday night for my class), but they're pretty simple to do. There is a bit of reading to do for the class, but that's just characteristic of ENEE200. Nicole pushed her final to the last day of class so that there wasn't a final during finals week, so that was nice. She also handed out candy the class before halloween, which was also nice.
Nicole Mogul

Expecting an A
Nicole is great. Initially I thought having engineers taking an ethics class was kind of ridiculous, but after taking her class I have to say that if anyone was going to make the class worthwhile it's her. She creates an excellent atmosphere in the classroom that encourages people to participate and think in a new way. She is passionate about the material, and that passion translates to everyone else in the class. The class is not very much work and her expectations are totally reasonable. I'm really glad that I took this class with Dr. Mogul and I hope that more people get the opportunity to take this class with her.