Manouchehr Mokhtari

This professor has taught: FMSC123, FMSC290, FMSC341, FMSC789
Information Review
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting a B+
Easy class. All you can do is search up the answers and easy A OR b. i passed with a 89.5%.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting an A
This course was purely online and self-paced course. I didn't even use the syllabus because it was so dang confusing. All of the course materials are on Wiley's where the online textbook and adaptive assignments were at. Just go with the assignments and their due dates and just follow along. You will be fine. There are lots of resources there, like Peer to Peer videos and whatnot. I didn't use the resources. I just read the textbook, answer the practice questions, and take the adaptive assignments. Easy peasy. Don't even bother using the powerpoint slides from Canvas. Too much stuff going on and too long. Easy A class in my opinion. However, the book report was extremely unnecessary when it is single spaced and 4 pages along. You have to read one of the two given books. Then write a paper on what did the book talk about and what did you learn from it. Useful class though but should be in person.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting a B
Passed with a B because I actually tried to learn and not cheat in this class. Well just use google bc he doesn’t teach you, have to buy like a $50 packet and then the book for the book report. He doesn’t teach you at all and doesn’t curve even if you’re .1% away. Sucks but at least you can’t get less than a B.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting a B
I mean he never teaches you. This is an online course and you have to learn from the textbook which he makes you buy for like 100 something. Well, Because of this I did bad on one test and he did not want to curve nor anything which was really difficult as i was never close to a B+ because it makes a huge difference. Make sure to make a groupme bc they will help you out. 4 stars because google is your friend in this class and 1 star off because for a prof who never taught us anything he isn’t very friendly.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting an A
This course is shocking. The professor does not provide any source material of his own. It is just 3+ year old slides with an overload of information that for the most part just jumps around definitions and is not clear about anything. The syllabus is extremely overwhelming and confusing. The only real assignments are adaptive assignments in the online textbook, the 3 exams (which have questions that come from god knows where), and a book report. For an extremely essential class that I believe all students should be given the opportunity to take, it is extremely unorganized. The only reason I don't give it 1 star is because there is actually useful information in the textbook, albeit basic and rudimentary. This course (and this professor) needs a serious overhaul because it is really lacking in organization and sophistication.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting an A+
Great person he really cares about his students and want them to apply Econ to their lives. Class was a little boring but I always went because I liked him so much and how much he cared was evident. Gave extra credit at the end of the semester that brought my grade up a lot.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting an A+
Dr. Mokhtari is a great professor overall. You can tell he truly cares about his students, he tries to make sure that his lectures are applicable, and his grading is very lenient. From my understanding, due dates are also very lenient as well. The only heads up for this class is that he makes it extremely mathematically based, so if you're not good at math, this probably is not the greatest choice for a gen ed.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting an A+
The best prof at the UMD. Has a great passion for helping students. Thoughtful and considerate. Responds to emails real fast. A great lecturer. He makes the course easy by being there for you. Assignments and the tests follow the main topics in the course.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting a C
Professor Mokhtari is extremely lenient on due dates and grading. At the end of the semester, he changed the due dates to every past assignment to the last day of class so we could go back and increase our grades and turn in anything we hadn't already. My only complaint is that his lectures are very boring and if you ask him a question, he will spend 20 minutes explaining his answer.
Manouchehr Mokhtari

Expecting a B+
Probably one of the worst lecturers I've ever had. The course is greatly structured around cengage and the lecture slides are from the same company -- never in his own words or inclusive of anything he rambles on during lecture. He is very incomprehensible and generally a terrible public speaker; the lecture slides tend to be 56 slides, which he only goes over ~20 if you're lucky. He also is very unapproachable outside of class and can never be contacted via ELMS or email. For homework, it is weekly and you will have to purchase cengage ($130); the interface itself is also incomprehensible and the syllabus does not specifiy what you are to complete -- it just says assignments, while there are three different assessments on cengage. For this sake, 3/4ths of the class missed four homeworks. When asked, he aggressively avoided the question and said to review the syllabus -- this happened three times during class, it's actually quite scary how combative the classroom was. Overall, I would strongly recommend taking another lecturer, but FMSC341 and FMSC290 are only taught by him, so you can't escape any of these experiences. Hopefully these issues will be addressed for future courses, otherwise you will feel just as vulnerable as our class did.