Information | Review |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/08/2025 |
He is the best professor I have ever had. He always gives the best feedback and helps me learn every lesson. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Anonymous 10/12/2023 |
He doesn't give anyone a full score on drafts. It's understandable that drafts aren't perfect, but he grades them like they are the final submission which defeats the purpose of a draft. The averages for the drafts are in the sixties and they can bring your grade down quite a bit. He is also very picky about a lot of things in his feedback, even though many of the students in his class are taking english for their first or second time at this college. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A- Anonymous 08/04/2022 |
Phillip (goes by Scott) Moses is a fairly easy going teacher for an asynchronous course. He posts every assignment at the start of the semester (with due dates), so I was able to map out the whole semester early on. He sends reminders on Monday about items due that week which is helpful to stay on top of tasks. The assignments are not short, so time management is key to stay on top of the work. Moses is a reasonable grader focused on how you improve between your draft and final. No matter how your draft is, if you get a lot of (good) feedback, and make changes from the feedback, you should do fine. In regards to weekly tasks, they are easy two point assignments that are quick. Usually Moses did not give out 100% on rough drafts, but those few points don't really matter. Peer feedback is key, so be sure to give constructive feedback for your peers to improve so others will do the same! |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A- Anonymous 05/20/2022 |
Philip (Scott) Moses is a well-organized teacher. He taught ENGL 393 asynchronously and it was very easy to keep up with assignments and know when due dates are approaching. All assignments were input at the start of the semester, so one could plan/write out when everything is due. Scott sends out weekly announcements on Mondays for when assignments are due, but if you wait until these announcements, it may be a lot of work to complete if you wait. He grades relatively fairly and mostly focused on how you improved between the rough draft and the final submission. As long as you do the work, and put effort into each assignment, you will be successful. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A OtG 06/04/2012 |
This is not a good class. It's not Scott's fault. Scott is largely a fair grader and a nice guy teaching a class forced on students by the University. He expects effort, and he's happy to address concerns and questions and to give advice to his students. If you can show that you put effort into your work, he'll grade accordingly. My main criticism is that Scott tends to read verbatim from presentations and handouts in class, using time that would be better spent peer-reviewing, and he has some odd criteria for some assignments. I'd advise taking the blended section if it's available; less time in class means more time to get the work done. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A zaqu413 05/28/2012 |
I took the Blended Learning section of this course, which was awesome because we only had class once a week for 75 minutes and then just had to do online reading and stuff instead of going to class the other day. Lecture: When we went we usually did in class peer review or Moses spoke more specifically about the current paper requirements. You are graded on attendance, but you don't get points for going, you only lose points for not going. Book: The book is MyTechCommLab which is an online book type thing. It is rather annoying, and is in desperate need of a competent webmaster to revise the site. Other than that I would say that about 50% of the assigned reading and activities were helpful, and all the rest were stupid (like stuff I knew in 5th grade, or repetitive stuff). Also it's mostly a completion grade, if your quiz grades are too low he takes off points. Papers and stuff: I thought he was a somewhat lenient grader, just compared to who I had for ENGL101. He was pedantic as other reviewers have said, but I didn't feel that he took off a lot of points, he just critiques everything. Suggestions: Start early on the final project, like start during spring break or in the fall semester start in October. I'm not kidding, just send some emails to your audiences and ask to interview them, it will REALLY help out. Also, I got a lot out of this class because I did all the readings and put a lot of effort in. Most of my classmates didn't, but I really do think that this class actually taught some important concepts. Despite being an English class, the content is very useful. Grading: Online stuff (turning things in on time and MyTechCommLab stuff): 25% Resume/Cover Letter: 10% Definition: 10% Proposal: 20% Instructions: 10% Final Project: 25% |
Phillip Moses
ENGL101 Expecting a B Lunar01 09/20/2011 |
This class is English 101 so you will have quite a bit of writing to do. Moses does a fine job in teaching how to write these papers with samples of his own writing. There are only 5 papers in the class with the final paper worth the most. It's best to start your readings and do your best on early (easy, short) papers so you won't be dragged down by later (long, research) papers. As for the class itself, he takes attendance so you HAVE to come to class. If you miss more than 6 classes, he might dock your grade by one letter grade if I remember correctly. When you do peer review, make sure to actually write your rough draft because your classmates will be able to help you point out structural and grammar mistakes you missed. Overall this should be a manageable class if you do your readings and start your papers early. You can definitely get an A in this class if you really work for it. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Anonymous 09/16/2011 |
Moses is a relatively nice guy, but definitely pedantic and can come across as a bit uptight. His criticisms are on point, but he does hold the bar rather high given the demographic of students taking his courses (non-English majors coupled with the average student writing level at Maryland). If we weren't upperclassmen, I'd say his class stands a chance at improving you writing. But as is, it just brings out the already-existing discrepancies in everyone's writing abilities. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting an A fiddlerkrt 05/24/2010 |
This class is a bit of a drag. As the other review says, the entire course revolves around one single project that makes up about 40% of your grade (the final paper is 25%). I would advise anyone taking ENGL393 with Moses to take this class seriously. When he asked the first day of class what people had heard about it, many said it was an easy A. To this day, I think he made it his mission to prove that fact wrong. He can be pedantic, fussy, and annoying at times with his comments but he was always right. Once you learn how he grades, you should do fine. As he always says, your audience is the most important aspect of your writing. He's your audience, so figure out how he likes things done to do well. |
Phillip Moses
ENGL393 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 04/05/2010 |
I sort of went into the class with the mentality that it was just a stupid requirement, that the professor would be laid-back, and it would be a pretty easy A. Not quite the case. This guy will make you work. The entire course revolves around a giant semester-long recommendation report. Come to think of it, it's a really useful assignment, and it does a fabulous job of preparing you for the "real world," but I'm just too lazy for that. So far I've learned quite a bit, but most of the subject matter is about functioning in a corporate desk job and dealing with an administration. What a drag. |