Sam Murillo

This professor has taught: ENES113, ENES114, ENES115, ENES116, ENES213, ENES215
Information Review
Sam Murillo

Expecting an A
Done with the first semester of Virtus. Sam was an awesome supporter of the community, I agree with the post directly below mine in that it's hard to talk to people and everything feels quite exasperating but I also feel like that's just freshman year, it would have been much worse without Virtus, although I definitely can't comment on what it is like in FLEXUS so I will only focus on Virtus. Because of the nature of the class, it is more community based than lecture based and so with that regard Sam is awesome. The end.
Sam Murillo

Expecting an A+
WARNING: BELONGING IN FLEXUS IS AN ILLUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <there ain't nothing not wrong with sam tho like she ain't bad> If you are a girl please try to join virtus instead of flexus bc the virtus kids are way nicer and less cliquey and judgmental I hate the flexus community it is the worst "community" ever I shoulda joined virtus instead Sam Murillo is a good professor but the FLEXUS program is bad Nothing is wrong with Sam I like her but Easton Hall sucks freshman year sucks and the kids in FLEXUS are annoying and cliquey and very obnoxious and they act like they own WIE and FLEXUS and all the kids in my year who were on the programming board were annoying and EASTON HALL IS HELL. You feel forced to change your personality and be super inauthentic to fit in with the flexus ppl and to get them to talk to you even the slightest bit. It is excruciatingly draining and exhausting and I hate it. It totally strips you of your freedom, independence, and individuality! (ugh, this is ESPECIALLY when ur in an llp and there is an excessive emphasis on community) Freshman year sucks especially if you have other shit going on that you need to deal with so you just wanna screw it. I DO NOT LIKE ESSENTIALLY A SINGLE ONE OF THESE EXASPERATING PEOPLE they are SO ANNOYING!!!! These kids were SO SOCIALLY DOMINATING AND JUDGMENTAL like if you weren't friends with them, then you weren't friends with ANYBODY. Easton is old and has about 0.02x the cleanliness and aesthetic quality of a suitable living space. Regardless of how much y'all try to make ur freshman rooms look nice, it will always be sorta ugly. The easton bathrooms have RED FUNGUS GROWING ON THE FLOORS AND NOBODY PICKED UP THEIR HAIR IN THE SHOWERS AND ONE OF THE TOILETS ON MY FLOOR NEVER FLUSHED AND THE URINALS DO NOT WORK. what the heck is up with the girls' bathrooms having urinals but not the boys??? and NO PRIVACY BARRIERS OR TOILET PAPER NEXT TO THEM?!!! I genuinely don't understand how people are willing to put their stuff on the floor or sinks. SCREW IT There ain't nothing not wrong with Sam but I sorta think she could do better w helping ppl feel that they're not forced to make community with everybody in flexus especially because a lot of these kids are some of the most annoying people you will ever meet? pls make flexus not strip you of your individuality sam is ok but flexus is one of the worst llps on campus bc of the kids in it got some good career and internship advice from sam in class but the community sucks freshman year sucks BELONGING IN FLEXUS IS AN ILLUSION virtus is better than flexus bc the virtus ppl are way nicer than the flexus ppl