Rianna Murray

This professor has taught: MIEH300, MIEH309, MIEH331, MIEH691, MIEH778, SPHL399
Information Review
Rianna Murray

Expecting an A
Why does umd even hire rude and aggressive professors??? The person below me said they got inconsiderate because they had an excused absence and the same thing happened to me. Like girl I’m sick and I had a doctors note.
Rianna Murray

Expecting an A
This professor is actually the worst. The class itself isn’t bad and is fairly easy but she is so rude and inconsiderate it’s insane. I had an excused absence for being sick and she said it was inconsiderate of me for missing class like what???
Rianna Murray

Expecting an A-
(Took over the summer) the content of this course is interesting but unfortunately it is presented in a non-functional way. There are multiple semester-long group assignments and Professor Murray is not at all understanding of the difficulties that come with poor communication from peers. Group leaders are randomly assigned and must do significantly more work for the entire semester with no support for it. Open-ended assignments are very harshly graded and multiple answer questions are frustratingly worded. Murray is a good lecturer but her assignments and grading style make the class extremely frustrating.
Rianna Murray

Expecting an A-
I would give her a 0 if I could but sadly I can only give her a 1. She is one of the worst professors I’ve ever came in contact with. She is a petty graders and will nitpick anything to be able to take off points on assignments. (Including citation formatting) She must be aware that she is an extremely boring lecturer as she does pop quizzes with special access codes and a sign in sheet to force students to come to class. She is also very inconsiderate of students. I had to miss class for a surgery and she still gave me a 0 for missing a pop quiz. Her pop quizzes are also hyper specific. You can pay attention throughout the whole lecture, despite her literally just reading off the slides, and still get a 0 on the pop quiz. She also has online quizzes every week which give you barely enough time to even process the questions. She even has a quiz and assignment due after the last day of classes??? The course material is easy but you can definitely tell she is trying everything in her power to ensure students don’t get the easy A. This obsession to the overcomplicate a simple course makes her absolutely unbearable as a professor.
Rianna Murray

Nice professor but honestly really strict about attendance. I have never seen a professor that cared about attendance so much to the point that they will do pop quizzes with random codes and mandatory paper signing at the end. She would drop 2 of them but when you are sick you would expect her to give you a make-up or at least show compassion as a human but she would instead just ignore your message which I find it very disturbing. Being a professor you should be able to respond to a student during a reasonable time period.
Rianna Murray

I have never had a professor weirder than her. She forces you to go to class by randomly doing pop quizzes and has gotten stricter with each quiz. She threatened to report people for cheating if they didn't sign the sign-out sheet. Her quizzes ask about topics we have never discussed before and only reads off of her slides. She gave a student attitude when they asked if there was a pop quiz as well one day. She refused to let us see the correct answers from our quizzes as she was "afraid it would go onto Quizlet" as if she couldn't come up with other questions next semester. Overall, she's lazy and clearly has nothing else to do with her life.
Rianna Murray

I have never seen a professor who cares so much about her students coming to class as she does. This semester she decided to do pop quizzes so your basically forced to come to class or else you receive a zero because she uses a special code AND makes u sign a paper saying you were there. I wouldn't mind this if she actually added anything to the material but she literally just reads off the slides the entire time and adds nothing substantial to the content. I would probably learn better just looking over the slides myself. The class itself is not hard she's just annoying about attendance when most professors don't normally care.
Rianna Murray

Expecting an A
Nice professor, interesting content, great at explaining class concepts clearly and connecting to real world events. Great prof, would recommend!