Information | Review |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/03/2025 |
Whether or not you have taken an economics course beforehand, it is straight forward and easy to understand. The grading was done on a curve and usually went up by 8-10 points. The presentation portion is easy as long as you take it seriously. That along with the discussion part could get you an easy 25% of your grade. There were a lot of videos to watch beforehand, but as long as you understood the basic ideas you would be fine. He does call people out on using phones in class, but is pretty reasonable. If you show up to the lectures, you should be fine for the exams as long as you do a little reviewing beforehand. He does appreciate when you ask questions or answer his questions, and will try to remember your name if you participate. His lectures can be a bit dull at times, but I did find it useful to go to the lectures, as examples in class really helps enforce the ideas covered. The course mainly covers economic theory and how to approach problems as an economist would. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting a B- Anonymous 12/14/2024 |
Did not go to any lecture, he posts the slides and videos online to watch so i just watched them before the exam by a day and looked the practice questions and received a passing grade, i unfortunately missed alot of discussions which really affected my grade. Easy class and super easy exams, the paper was not difficult but i dont have my grade for it yet. The TA was chill and helpful |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/13/2024 |
I am an engineering major who has never taken an econ class before and I took this because it crossed off two gen ed requirements. I definitely recommend taking this class! His lectures are not mandatory (I don't recommend going when you can just watch the videos), and he posts videos of what he talks about in his lectures. The TA Adam Tucker is very helpful and the discussions are pretty chill. There are three exams, one paper, and one presentation, but other than that there is no homework so it is a very light class. I showed up to discussion without watching the videos and followed along fine, and then I watched all the videos like three days before the exams and learned all the content then and am doing well in the class. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/12/2024 |
The lectures are pretty boring at times, but I went because it kind of forced me to understand the answers he is looking for on the exams. I think something worth mentioning about the lectures is that he does effectively answer questions, and he will remember your name and appreciate questions and participation. I had never taken any economics classes before this and honestly was worried because I had to take one for my major and never really understood econ well outside school, but the way this class is structured really made it easy to get an A if you try at all. I studied for each midterm for maybe 2 hours by doing the practice exams and As both times. He curves the exams which also really helps. I liked that there was no math, and I feel like I have a much better understanding of economics which really surprised me. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/04/2024 |
There was not a single lecture where I did not fall asleep at least once. Extremely boring and the videos we are required to watch are just as dull. I did not understand the concepts that well but I also have no prior knowledge in econ so that is understandable. I would only recommend taking the class if you have some experience with econ. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/04/2024 |
Good teacher, lectures are pretty boring but exams are pretty easy and graded on a curve. You can just tell that he is a good guy and wants students to engage. Discussions will help you a lot if you have a good TA. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/04/2024 |
This class is basically an EASY accelerated version of AP Micro and Macroeconomics (ECON200 and ECON201) without any of the math or graphing. The fact that it covers two gen ed credits makes it worth taking. Professor Murrell is generally boring and will call you out for using your phone during a lecture. The class was 3 midterms and a paper, with the midterms each having around a 10% curve. No final (the third midterm is during finals season), and one project in the discussion section that is an easy 100%. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A- Anonymous 11/20/2024 |
Professor murrell may have a more boring personality but the class isn’t too hard and he does encourage good thinking and hypotheticals. Exams aren’t too hard as long as you understand concepts(no memorizing) and apply them. Lectures are boring and not really needed if busy. Overall a knowledgeable person just boring class. |
Peter Murrell
Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/24/2024 |
Good professor. Cares about his students. 3 exams that are reasonable if you study and 1 paper. Lectures can be boring, but overall easy class and very knowledgeable. Would recommend. |
Peter Murrell
ECON410 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/22/2023 |
Really knowledgeable. 3 exams + paper make up all the grading for this class. The exams are difficult but he curves. Always willing to help students outside of class. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/13/2023 |
Easy class. I literally learned most of the material from discussion. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting a C+ Anonymous 12/17/2022 |
This professor is terrible. The worst teacher and class that I have ever taken in my life. The most boring lectures I have ever attended. He expects you to read countless articles and watch hours of recordings outside of class. Not even close to worth it for an I-series. DO NOT TAKE. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/13/2022 |
His lectures are vague and the out of class work is mainly watching videos. Attend lecture and participate and he will like you. Its really not that difficult of a course if you have common sense |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/05/2021 |
Honestly, I liked Prof Murrell. If you attend the lecture and participate he will like you and you will like the class. Tests basically make up your grade, so definitely study for them and you will be fine. I took AP Econ in high school, got an A, and took this class and got a higher grade. This class also rarely has homework, just studying and a presentation once a semester. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Anonymous 01/06/2021 |
Murrell is a great guy and treats students with respect. I thought the course was interesting, however, it is hard for a 100-level gen ed class. It is kind of hard to get an A. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Anonymous 12/20/2020 |
Prof Murrell is a nice guy and is knowledgeable about the subject but the class is a major headache for a gen ed 100 level course. I thought I could get through this class without a great deal of stress since I took introductory econ courses in the past but that wasn't the case. The lectures aren't particularly helpful and the tests are hard and graded harshly to the point where I needed curves to get a semi decent grade on them. If you need an i series course, look somewhere else. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting an A- Anonymous 05/22/2018 |
Easy class to get a B in, slightly hard to an A. There are 5 grades. 1st grade: participation quizzes. Once a week in discussion there is an easy quiz based on the assigned readings for the week. Make sure you do the readings. The reading usually took me around half an hour per week. My TA was Heath and he was great and messaged us once a week on what readings to do. 2nd grade: presentation. You make a short presentation with a partner in discussion and present it in discussion. I’m awful at public speaking and blanked at one point and somehow still got a B on it. So dw too much. 3rd grade: midterm. The best way to study for his exams is to do all the practice problems he has available in files on elms. Going over slides can help too but it’s mostly the practice problems. He provides solutions. 4th grade: paper. This is a bit difficult and took me some time but there’s only 1 per semester and it’s due at the end of the semester. Make sure you pick a good article and make a plan. 5th grade: Final. Do the same thing as the midterm. I only studied for each Econ exam for 2-3 hours where I just did his practice problems and got an above average grade each time. And I went to 2 lectures total! His lectures are useless and there’s no point in going. Just make sure to go to discussions. |
Peter Murrell
ECON111 Expecting a B- Anonymous 12/22/2017 |
Word of warning: There's no point in showing up to lectures. I showed up every class with the printed powerpoints (as instructed by him) and found myself hardly ever annotating them because he hardly elaborated on his slides, he just reads straight off of them. The homework is only 15 mins worth of reading for discussion every week (Heath was my TA and he did an excellent job elaborating on the concepts). Honestly though if it wasn't for Econ200 I would have done worse, which is why I only recommend this GenEd if 200 is taken alongside it. |
Peter Murrell
Anonymous 05/19/2016 |
I didn't have to go to class to pass this class basically. It's the dumbest Gened class ever and i regret taking it because he makes the Midterm and Final so hard for no reason. He is also a petty teacher. He calls students out for using phones or laptops. Unnecessary class with an unnecessary prof |