Danielle Niu

This professor has taught: FIRE120, FIRE198, FIRE199, FIRE298, FIRE398
Information Review
Danielle Niu

Expecting an A+
Dr. Niu is so great, would definitely recommend for any FIRE course. She teaches project greenhouse, and is very knowledgable and passionate about the subject.
Danielle Niu

Expecting an A+
Dr. Niu is such a kind, genuine person! FIRE 120 itself can be dull at times; reading scholarly papers on topics that you aren't passionate enough about to read a scholarly paper on can suck, but the assignments are pretty easy and don't take an enormous amount of time if you stay focused. That being said, I'm moving forward into FIRE 198 with project Greenhouse, which will hopefully be more engaging than 120, and I'm very happy that Dr. Niu is the one in charge of the project.
Danielle Niu

Expecting an A+
Currently in FIRE 398 and I will say, Dr. Niu is the best professor I ever had! She is very passionate about Project Greenhouse and will go to lengths to explain concepts in details along with physically visiting some off campus places like the golf course. Overall, one of the top tier UMD instructors!