Temim Nusraty

This professor has taught: GVPT289D, HNUH249P, HONR269T, HONR278G
Information Review
Temim Nusraty

Expecting an A
This class was great. It was refreshing, in a way, because it felt like I genuinely learned a lot. Oftentimes gen-eds and honors requirements don't feel very fulfilling, but this class did. I actually found myself enjoying writing the 10-page final paper. We also had some decently interesting guest speakers. Also, to the people who see this class worry about the time length, he almost always let us out at 8 instead of 9.
Temim Nusraty

Expecting an A
I came into this class knowing absolutely nothing about Afghanistan, and I came out of it with a solid grasp of its history. I usually don't enjoy history classes, but this one was quite unique as we examined current events. We met with students in Kabul, Afghanistan, and that was pretty awesome, and he has some great guest speakers come in to talk. This class has an easy workload (just keep up with the readings), and it has an extremely unique aspect in terms of learning about the current situation in Afghanistan. This was by far my most interesting and instructive class.
Temim Nusraty

Expecting an A
This course is definitely lecture heavy, and you don't need the book. Lectures are usually long and boring, but the glass is easy and everyone will do well, whether you have background in government and politics or not.