Terrence O’Brien

This professor has taught: BMGT340, BMGT340N, BUFN758L, BUSI782
Information Review
Terrence O’Brien

Expecting a B+
Business Finance is a tough class, but Professor O'Brien is really great. He is super patient and kind. The three projects are not too hard and can boost your grade. Just be ready for tough exams—take your time and practice a lot(go over practice exams/review session problems that are posted on BB) . It's a challenging class, but you'll learn and do well if you put in the effort.
Terrence O’Brien

Expecting an A
He is an amazing professor. Sometimes he goes into detail about unnecessary things, but overall he’s great. He explains things well and from multiple perspectives. He is interactive and makes students comfortable enough to ask questions. Also, he responds to emails quickly and the explanations are detailed. The class is a bit difficult and there is a lot of material, but just going to class and asking questions goes a long way. The practice exams provided make the actual exams much easier so make sure to utilize them. Overall, not that bad if you put in the effort.