Porter Olsen

This professor has taught: AMST260, CINE245, CMLT280, ENGL101, ENGL245, ENGL256, ENGL290, ENGL293, ENGL294, FILM298D, HDCC208B, HDCC209A, HDCC209B, HDCC209D, HDCC209E
Information Review
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
I really liked having Prof. Olsen this semester. He's a super chill guy who I think genuinely cares about the well-being of his students and helping them to improve. Some other reviews have said that he takes a while to grade, which was true in my case, but honestly he was very apologetic and even gave us a little grade boost to remediate. That being said, if you struggle with deadlines, he's very understanding and cool about it. Fun class.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Love him so much!!! He was so sweet and accommodating!! Only downside is how much time he takes to grade assignments.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A+
I loveee him. I always had fun in this class but that's probably because I met one of my best friends in this class. He is super understanding about late assignments. I think he's easy on grading. However, he takes forever to grade and doesn't return papers with feedback before the next paper is due. That being said, I thought this course wasn't difficult at all. Just a little time consuming.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
As a person he is nice and understanding but as a professor he is super slow on grading and does take points of of some small things. He struggles to explain certain assignments and it was harder to improve on writing because he hasn't given feedback for any assignment because we receive them late. But he is chill and gives an extra day if you email him for it even if he doesn't respond. Just stay on top of work and you will be fine.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Surprisingly an interesting class, but not the easiest GENED. I remember putting a good amount of time in my assignments. Lectures are kind of boring and lots of reading. However prof Olsen is a pretty chill dude and definitely cares about the topic he's teaching
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
He is so amazing and accommodating to his students and his assignments are fair. He grades very slow but other than that the class was amazing.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A+
Good professor! Always helping and wanting the students to succeed. Class was very simple and helped with understanding what he wanted out of the assignments
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A+
As long as you keep active in class and keep up with the required topics and reading, you'll actually glean a lot from the class discussions. We had some very insightful discussions about some topics in digital studies. Classwork is relatively straightforward and projects have tons of room for creative freedom.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Wanted to give five stars especially because he listens and has meaningful discussions with students. He also gives good feedback on written work.
Porter Olsen

Very nice professor, but I don't feel like I learned much. The grading was fair, but the professor is simply not the best lecturer which was frustrating. Also, a lot of people didn't participate because he didn't facilitate participation. Often when someone would participate, he wouldn't say much, so the discussion started and ended with that one person. Exams were easy. He is very accommodating so that was nice.
Porter Olsen

Professor Olsen does care about the material and is knowledgeable, but his execution of explanations falls short sometimes. The class was pretty alright, but I think it could have been better. Definitely not just an easy gen-ed, he treats it like a real cinema/film course. He can be accommodating and willing to listen, but will ultimately be fair. He does grade a bit more harshly than you would imagine for a 2xx level class. He also does take a long time to grade
Porter Olsen

This class was so boring and do not take him if you want your grades to be in quickly. It took him a month and a half to grade the midterm paper. I took this class thinking it would not be much work, but you have to watch a 2 hour movie every week and readings. There are also 2 papers with one of them being 8 pages and a midterm and final.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Pretty good for a DCC class; although we didn't go over some forms of digital storytelling that I'd hoped we would, I still learned some interesting things. He does give legit (sometimes harsh) feedback when you're doing your project proposals, but that's because he genuinely wants your project to succeed and be interesting.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Good teacher, easy material. Honestly the discussions in class most of them you are able to get through without ever reading the material. It is just common knowledge. However, he has a great personality and keeps you entertained throughout the class. I would recommend him to anyone needing to take an english class.