Luis Orozco

This professor has taught: PHYS272, PHYS272H, PHYS405, PHYS441, PHYS499O, PHYS728
Information Review
Luis Orozco

Orozco is by far my favorite professor. He is so excitable and interested in Physics and your personal involvement with Physics as well. He is extremely knowledgeable about it all. I was in the section with the other reviewer here and don't know why s/he didn't know his/her grade; I could always tell what it would be...though most of us waited until the last day to in the week to do the homework assignments, which was fine if you had a few hours set aside and knew a few other people who were as big of procrastinators as you. I genuinely adore this professor and about half of the reason I was going to take a class was if he was teaching it but he may be going on sabbatical--well deserved, but still :(
Luis Orozco

great lecturer and very interesting. threw pop quizzes thruout the year and i had no idea of his doing this until the last day or two of class. also i found his grading method on the first exam, which resulted in me geting a 10% on it. he basically just grades the answers and the occasionally grades the work. if i didnt have the right answer i never got credit for a problem. this is rough when you have 4 problems on a test and there equally weighted. i can only suggest to do homework before the last day, as i normally forgot to do it.