Rose-Marie Oster

This professor has taught: GERM282, GERM283, GERM315, GERM368V, GERM399T, GERM415, GERM449P, GERM463, GERM475, WMST498V
Information Review
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting an A+
I hate to say this about Dr. Oster, since she's wonderfully enthusiastic and knowledgeable, but she is very slow. Much of the fun I had in this class and GERM283 was outside of class from the textbook. That being said, reading Viking sagas in the original is incredibly cool, and Dr. Oster will do everything in her power to help.
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting a B+
Who'd think that learning about vikings could be this boring? I thought that having students present all semester long was a terrible Idea- I would have rather read 3x as many books than sit through all those presentations. Dr. Oster knows her stuff but quite frankly I couldn't pay attention. Maybe I need adderall but I've never had this much trouble paying attention in class in my life. This was supposed to be my "roll over and get an A" class, but somewhere along the line I just stopped paying attention. If it wasn't for this class, I would have had straight A's this semester. le sigh.
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting an A
Professor Oster is a wonderful teacher. She always has time for students to ask questions before quizzes. In fact, she even has two review sessions for the final. Sometimes she would even tell us not to worry about certain things because they wouldn't appear on the exam (much to the humor of our TA). Overall, she encouraged curiosity/learning and even though the class was constructed more like that of a graduate class, I feel it really helped me become an expert on the two topics (there is a powerpoint project and a term paper) I researched.
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting an A
Dr. Oster is an amazing professor. She is incredibly approachable and unlike some other professors really cares about how well her students do in her class. If you ever have any questions or want to learn more about the Vikings, she is always available and really makes an effort to help her students out. The class itself is kind of dull cause we have to listen to each student give presentations. A lot of the students put in half assed efforts into their presentations which shows but there are some who really do the research and have very interesting presentations. There is 1 paper (5-7) on a topic of your choice due at the end of the semester. 2-3 quizzes, a midterm, and a presentation on a topic that you get to choose from a list. She has a great sense of humor too and loves to talk about current day discoveries.
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting an A
Dr. Oster is contagiously interested in Vikings. Her knowledge of history is very expansive, yet this is not a typical history class. She is very engaging, and wants the class to think, and try and suppose why they might have done something a certain way. I really liked this course. It was important to take good notes and study them, but if you do that there's no reason not to do well because she will tell you absolutely everything you should know.
Rose-Marie Oster

Class is fun and she is really funny. Always willing to help if you don't understand something. Class is not a breeze, but if you pay attention you'll do fine. She brings treats for you during the tests.
Rose-Marie Oster

Expecting an A
Absolutely wonderful. Dr. Oster is a nice old Swedish lady with a great sense of humor, whose class is easy to follow and genuinely interesting. Lots of special guests, and she always brings cookies and treats. Tests are not gimmes, so you do have to put SOME effort in.