Derek Paley

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENAE301, ENAE403, ENAE646, ENAE743, ENAE788G, ENSE799, GEMS296, GEMS297, GEMS396, GEMS397, GEMS496, HNUH258V
Information Review
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
great instructor; his in-class demonstrations help you "see" what you're learning and he's a great explainer. he also uploads helpful office hour notes and offers one-week extensions for assignments, no question asked (but don't rely on them or else you'll fall behind). only downside is that there's only one midterm and final (with the final being worth 40%) but he curved our class pretty heavily so i wouldn't worry too much as long as you put in the effort that this class deserves.
Derek Paley

Expecting a B+
Top-tier lecturer. Posts lecture notes, records the lectures, and goes over many examples. Very helpful in office hours, and posts the notes for them as well. The Justin (iykyk) of the Aero department, take him whenever you can.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A-
Paley is an extremely good lecturer. Probably the best one I've had in college. His lectures are very though out and he answers any student questions very well. If every professor taught their lectures like him the whole program would be much better off. ENAE301 is a very difficult class but he simplifies it very well. You have weekly homework that can be extended a week if needed. The homework can be difficult but it does a good job at making sure you understand the material and prepares you well for the exams. His exams are difficult but fair, as expected for a 300 level aero course. The only scary part about this course is that the final is 40% of your grade which means you bomb it and you fail. But the exam was very fair as the average was about an 83 for my semester. The average in the class ended up being like a 85, yet he still curved about 3%. Highly recommend taking his class he makes lecture quite interesting and does a great job with the class.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A-
Very good teacher. Makes a fairly complicated course very easy to understand. Do not expect a heavy curve, as midterm and final averages were usually around a B. As long as you understand what you are doing in the homework, you will be fine.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
He's such a king. Go to class and his office hours, and you will do well in this class. He explains the material very well but goes fast at times, so be sure to stay on top of it! He cares very much about his students and the class, which is rare in professors nowadays.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
Derek Paley

Expecting a B
Dr. Paley's lectures are very thorough and does a tremendous job keeping students engaged with what they are learning. Always tries to point you in the right direction (especially during office hours) and will attempt to make sure no one is left behind. This is a VERY challenging class and should be taken seriously, especially in the beginning. He tries to warn you that everything used in the first half gets built upon very fast in the second half of the course. Make sure to do your homework and attend office hours as these are good places to prepare yourself for the exam. Exams are graded very generously and fairly and it is clear Dr. Paley wants you to succeed in his class and the future.
Derek Paley

Expecting a B+
Dr Paley’s examples were extremely thorough and he was an excellent lecturer. Very fair and also a decently challenging course. Memorable teaching style and will give you the majority of the dynamics you need for later classes.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A-
Dr. Paley is a cool professor. He uses lots of examples, videos, and in class demonstrations to show concepts. The weekly homework can be difficult, but as many people have said it helps a lot to go to office hours. Dr. Paley makes an effort to learn everyone's name in office hours even though a ton of kids go. He does expect you to participate and work along with the examples in class. However, he is very easy to talk to and will go to great lengths to help you understand a problem/concept. This class is still pretty difficult and stressful but Paley makes the best possible effort to make everyone in the class understand. I'm far from one of the smartest kids in aerospace but I've done pretty well in this class thanks to his help. Also, shoutout to our T.A. Austin for his help.
Derek Paley

Expecting a C+
Dr. Paley is a pretty good professor. His lectures and demos are interesting, but they do not prepare you for the homework very well. However, he is very willing to discuss HW problems in his office hours and does a much better job at explaining concepts there. They were also held right before class, which was very helpful. Seriously, go to office hours. I learned that way too late. Paley also will give nearly infinite extensions on HW. The first week is no questions asked, but after that you need a valid excuse. The midterm exam was okay. It was pretty fair, but was not like the problems done on class or on the homework. The average was around 75%. The final was similar to the midterm, but was more difficult due to the content in later chapters. The average on the final wasn't great (60%), so the class was curved about 7-9%. Overall, Paley is really understanding and tries to make an extremely difficult class doable.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
Paley is a pretty smart man, and I think he enjoys showing that off in class. While he explains the concepts well, he is not great at showing their application. The book is semi-helpful but most examples are either way too simple or way too involved. homework questions can be vague and seem unrelated to the concepts of the chapter or even to dynamics in general. However, Paley really does try hard to make Dynamics understandable and doable. He is helpful to a fault in office hours, often taking 30 minutes to explain a simple error and leaving other students unanswered. Still, its undeniable that he is a pretty good teacher and probably one of the best Dynamics teachers at the University. Use office hours and really understand each chapters main concepts and you will be fine. reminds me of Dennis Reynolds from IASIP
Derek Paley

Expecting a C+
Dr. Paley is a good professor. He is enthusiastic and very patient. This class is hard though. The other review discounts the homework... Don't. Do it and understand it. We also did not get practice exams so we went into the midterm and final blind. And they were much, much more difficult than anything we saw in class or on homeworks. Class was curved about 10% because the grades on the final were so terrible.
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
The other post is pretty accurate about this class. The lectures are clear and helpful; however, the homeworks are very difficult and time consuming. I strongly encourage anyone taking this class to do the homeworks in groups since many of the problems are pretty difficult. The exams are easier so you don't really need to study for them if you work hard on the homeworks. I worked very hard in this class so I was really happy when an A showed up on my transcript!
Derek Paley

Expecting an A
His lectures are easy to follow but unfortunately they don't prepare you to do the homework well. The problems are vague and consume a lot of time. Luckily each problem set ends up being only about 3% of your grade so if you screw up on a few of them it's OK. Tests were straightforward and included only the most basic concepts. He gives out last year's tests for practice and if you can do the problems there then you're good. He curves a lot so it's not hard to do well. Don't waste too much time doing the homework.