Ojashwi Pathak

This professor has taught: GVPT201, GVPT359G
Information Review
Ojashwi Pathak

Expecting an A-
201 is difficult but she makes it relatively painless - lectures are informative and make sense, she goes over the code, and she was always super available to help. Also never got frustrated or made me feel stupid when I needed a concept explained in 10 different ways before understanding it which I really appreciated. I took this class as a summer session and the workload wasn't bad at all - work was due twice a week and the assignments never took more than an hour or two.
Ojashwi Pathak

Expecting a B-
Very helpful and accommodating with R, which is a difficult software to use even for students who may have used it in STAT100. She takes time in discussion sections to answer any questions about concepts and codes, and has helpful office hours as well.