Paul Pietroski

This professor has taught: LING410, LING660, LING849, LING879, LING888, PHIL100, PHIL362, PHIL364, PHIL660, PHIL688T, PHIL808B, PHIL808D
Information Review
Paul Pietroski

Expecting an A
This class requires you to do the readings, and understand them too, which takes a lot of time. The grade breakdown is 10% each for 2 quizzes, 25% each for 2 papers, and 30% for the final. The quizzes are based on the readings, and they're tricky at first. The secret is to write a good paragraph for each answer, even if you can answer some questions with just 1 sentence. The papers are just analyzing some philosopher's ideas, but you have to go into deep thinking mode for an A. The TA's are pretty nice with the grading, and even let you rewrite your first paper after they give it back. Lecture is boring, but it's important to go to understand the concepts. Also, professor focuses on certain parts of the readings and tells you what's important, so you don't have to get every single bit when studying. I had a C+ at the beginning of the year, but managed to get an A- through a lot of work. Decent class, but it's not for everyone. Requires a lot of work, but you do learn a lot about philosophy.
Paul Pietroski

Expecting a B
I came into the class thinking it was going to be super awesome. It wasn't what I thought. The class is all about the history of philosophy and if you're just looking for an elective/core, take something else. The class isn't necessarily hard, but even having it at 11 it was hard to stay up. MMH1400 is fairly warm and Pietroski pretty much just talks. We were allowed to use our notes for the exams. The exams aren't that hard, but they get harder as the semester goes. If you come to class, you'll be fine; I didn't read any of the stuff. The papers are kinda hard to push to 6 pages if you're not interested in the material, so keep that as a heads up. Overall, the workload isn't too bad.
Paul Pietroski

Expecting a B+
Got a B+ in the course and was expecting an A, kinda blew off studying for the final. Lectures are extremely boring and I could only pay attention for 3-5 minutes at a time. He tends to just talk "at" the class rather than trying to engage them or make the material interesting. Skipped lectures from a week before Thanksgiving break until the final. Papers are very easy, basically just read sparknotes for the section of reading and it's straightforward from there, no extra thinking required. Midterm and final required a bit of studying but TA's, sparknotes or actually doing the reading, and review sheets make an A on them obtainable.