Information | Review |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting a B- Anonymous 01/22/2025 |
Pincus is a very nice, knowledgeable, and overall solid professor but his lectures are really hit or miss. He spends the whole time going through the textbook but essentially rephrasing it in a way that he likes better, and will therefore be testing on. To do well in this class you have to review the material before class, watch videos and read the textbook, and go to his office hours. He answered every question I had during office hours and was very helpful, but you have to take these extra steps to do well in this class. Overall you really have to be prepared and grasp the material because you won't ever go over the same material twice. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/20/2024 |
I thought David Pincus was a pretty good professor for Calculus III. During lecture he would often go over the concept for quite awhile before getting to the practice problems, which I felt made class time drag a bit. I would rather he go over more problems in class as when he did he explained how to handle a lot of the problems really well. The grade is made up of quizzes, matlab assignments, and tests. The quizzes are quite easy and are mostly based on the homework, in fact most of the quiz questions are taken straight out of the homework. The matlab assignments are also fairly straightforward and mostly involve using code to solve problems similar to the ones from the homeworks. The tests can be quite challenging but the good thing is Pincus is a good grader and will generally not take off too many points as long as your process made sense and your work contains the proper steps, even if the final answer is wrong. Now for Calc III in-general, this course is about the same level of difficulty as prior Calc courses. It's very important that you know how to integrate and differentiate and also be able to visualize in 3-D, with those skills you'll probably do well. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/15/2024 |
Good professor. He's super, super, super super super nice. Nice like if you don't understand a question or know how to do something on an exam, he will help you A LOT in the middle of the exam. Very very lenient grader and really wants you to do well. Homework is optional and not collected but you should really do it as much as you can because it will really help you, and the questions on quizzes and exams are usually the exact same format as questions on the homework. Not the best at actually teaching unfortunately, that's kind of his weak point. He's really not THAT bad though, not nearly as bad as any of the 1 star reviews say. If you're a hard worker and willing to put in the work outside of class to learn material you will do well. With the wealth of free online calc 3 content and lessons there is absolutely no reason you should do poorly in this class. Anyone can get an A if you put in the appropriate amount of effort a 4 credit class requires outside of class. If you're lazy and unprepared for the self-responsibility of college and don't do the optional homework you won't get the grade you want and that's your fault not Pincus's! |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/15/2024 |
Really nice professor and understands the struggles of us students and our other classes. He has no curve but his grading is so lenient that it's basically a curve in itself. Quizzes are taken from homeworks, and if the class does poorly he'll offer corrections. Even on exams he offered corrections. There were multiple take home quizzes because Dr. P knew the class had a big exam the next day. He just really cares that you learn the material and get it down, which is why he's so nice. It may be hard to follow him in lecture sometimes with the amount of writing useless info but you'll get through with the help of the Justin Wyss-Gallifent's YouTube series. Also please make sure to do homeworks because it helps a lot. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/12/2024 |
I really enjoyed having Pincus for 141. He is a very nice guy and you can tell he really cares about his students succeeding. He will answer any questions if you reach out and give full worked-out solutions to any homework/textbook problems you're struggling with. He also gives homework extensions if you need them and his exams are exactly like the homework and in-class examples he provides, they were all very fair and he is a pretty generous grader. His lectures were a bit dull but they worked, he writes on a piece of paper and projects it to the class and he basically just writes out the textbook definitions of the key concepts/theorems you need to know and then does examples. If you pay attention and enjoy math, the lectures will be enough to prepare you for exams; all I did to study for exams were the homework problems, and I was very well prepared for the final. For the harder topics like series, though, you definitely have to study outside of class and he gave a ton of practice problems on ELMS for those. Overall, Pincus was a great guy and if you take him he sets you up to succeed. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting a B Anonymous 10/16/2024 |
Really nice guy and will answer any questions you have.... but he absolutely sucks at teaching. He makes everything so complicated for no reason. Its like he is transcribing the textbook onto a blank piece of paper, but with horrible handwriting. All I need is the equation and then 10 problems walked through, not a copy of the textbook in front of me. He also has little to no confidence when lecturing. He's a fairly easy grader, but if you mess up an exam your grade is cooked the rest of the semester. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 02/24/2024 |
I felt like it was impossible to learn anything from the professor. Learned the material exclusively through Justin Wyss-Gallifent's YouTube series and doing questions from the textbook after. Would not recommend unless he is your only option which he was for me. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A- Anonymous 02/07/2024 |
Seems nice, not a great lecturer he just reads off a slideshow which is essentially just a textbook definition and example problem. He didn’t really explain things too well imo but you could keep talking to him and eventually he would say something that stuck. Basically went through the course teaching myself from the textbook, the tests aren’t too hard or tricky but there’s no curve so you can’t really mess up too much. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting a B Anonymous 01/18/2024 |
Pincus is friendly, but his teaching falls short. I learned only from the textbook and online videos since class materials are limited. He can not teach even if his life depended on it - all he does is post screenshots from the textbook and ramble on for an hour. You would learn more from reading the textbook than actually attending class. Daily quizzes boost grades but add lots of stress and force you to study the night before class. Exams are okay, but Pincus doesn't curve grades. If you fail one exam, you are basically done for. If you're good at self-learning, go for it; otherwise, think twice before signing up. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/15/2023 |
Super helpful, responded to emails quickly. Sometimes the lectures can be a bit all over the place and "textbook"-y but he explains everything very thoroughly |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/13/2023 |
He's alright. He's a nice guy but pretty bad at teaching however he cares about his students and is always willing to answer questions and emails back really quickly. He's generous with partial credit on the exams and daily quizzes. Matlab projects are also easy. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/13/2023 |
Pincus's teaching style does not suite a lot of people. His lectures can be difficult to understand if you haven't revised the material beforehand. When it comes to answering students' questions, Pincus is great at clearing any confusion, and he really does go the extra mile to help you understand a concept if you ask for help. Overall Pincus was good instructor. |
David Pincus
MATH241 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 12/07/2023 |
Pincus is a very nice guy. If you e-mail him, talk to him, or just reach out he is one of the nicest professors I have interacted with. But he cannot teach if his life depended on it. I exclusively learned the class material off of the textbook or online videos I could find. The slideshows and example problems we get are only one per chapter and you get thrown into the homework fire. You have daily quizzes at the end of class that are a nice grade boost but they cause a lot of stress if you do not know what you are doing as you spend all of lecture trying to figure it out. And the exams itself are alright, there is always one question that most of the class does not know. But the worst part is Pincus will not curve anything. You gotta tank it or just get a good grade. If you are able to learn alot by yourself and off minimal resources go for it, but if not I would not sign up. |
David Pincus
Expecting a B Anonymous 12/05/2023 |
Only read off of the slides and did not go in depth on concepts. The exams were not too bad if you studied textbook problems and previous quizzes. Having a quiz every class forced me and my friends to be studying the previous classes content, leading us to miss the current classes content. I pretty much had to self-study the whole class. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting a B Anonymous 05/11/2023 |
Good guy but dam does he does not curve enough, compared to other sections I would have had a A- minimum, the class is designed to be impossible but he tried his best. His lectures were not great(just reading from textbook), but his office hours were good |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A Anonymous 02/02/2023 |
Professor Pincus was a great calc 2 teacher. He gave practice exams that closely resembled the actual exam. He taught the concepts clearly with tons of examples and was extremely helpful when you went to office hours. To do well on the weekly quizzes, you have to do suggested textbook problems because they are very similar to the quiz questions (some questions were copied directly from the textbook). None of the 4 exams were curved but he curved the final grade to make up for it. I would take one of Professor Pincus' classes again |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/24/2022 |
Good calc teacher with fair exams and preps students well with practice exercises and practice exams. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/08/2022 |
I recently had the pleasure of taking Calculus 2 with Professor Pincus and it was an exceptional experience. Professor Pincus is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about the subject, and it shows in the way that he teaches the material. He is able to explain complex concepts in a way that is clear and easy to understand, and he is always willing to help if you have any questions. One of the things that I particularly appreciated about Professor Pincus is his dedication to his students. He is always available for office hours and is more than happy to help you if you need it. He has a great sense of humor and his enthusiasm for the subject makes the class enjoyable and engaging. Overall, I would highly recommend Professor Pincus for anyone taking Calculus 2. He is an exceptional teacher and I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from him. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/08/2022 |
The other reviews on this professor raise some suspicion. While he certainly isn't a bad professor by any means, he is far from the best calc teacher I have ever taken, and all of the other review for MATH141 coming on 11/07/22, I would question if this rating is genuine. To do well in this class, you have to do very solid the first 2 / 3 exams, as there are 4 midterms and a cumulative final. Luckily, the lowest exam gets drop! :D yippee! However, despite how great this sounds, exam 4 is the killer. With the HIGHEST score on exam 4 being a 70 last year, the average coming out to around a 50, exam 4 is always the one dropped. So, if you are able to keep your cool and get relatively high scores the first few exams, you'll be sitting pretty. I enjoyed Pincus, but I cannot in good faith give him 5 stars, simply for the large spike in difficulty that comes with exam 4. Pincus, if you read this, please stop teaching the hardest topic in the class in the week over Thanksgiving as a video. Explaining it in person, even if it was rushed, would likely largely improve the exam 4 scores, singlehandedly removing the one flaw I see in your teaching. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting a C+ Anonymous 12/07/2022 |
I'm so sorry, we wrote the last 5 5-star reviews(the ones on 11/07/2022) as a joke, but after the last exam average was in the 30s it wasn't funny anymore. Take this class if you want to self-learn the entire thing and have a mental breakdown. Horrible at explaining, ask him a question and he will freeze, ramble a half answer, and move forward. This class is 100% an avoid, the workload wasn't bad but you just don't learn from him, HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO TEACH! Going to class is pointless, he's such a bad teacher, he spends the entire time going over proofs without actually teaching. The entire class stopped showing up and is watching youtube videos(Online chem tutor for the win), as going to class is a waste of time, and you won't learn the topics. Even people with Calc AB/BC couldn't follow his classes, his strategy is to read out loud the textbook but skip any explanations. I can't emphasize how bad he is at teaching, there are units where the entire class just didn't learn a topic. No curve, again we gave those 5-star reviews as a joke. DO NOT TAKE PINCUS. He's not a bad person or mean, but he doesn't know how to teach, we all had to self-learn the entire year and that made it hell. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/07/2022 |
This man is a saint, he is helpful and kind, and will give you extensions on the hw if you need them. He is thoughtful and doesn't care if you are on your phone in class, and will explain in depth the solutions and proofs. Would reccomend. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/07/2022 |
Really appreciate the hard work from Mr. Pincus! When attending office hours, he does not stop until he makes sure you understand the material and are prepared for the next units. He also is a really nice professor and understanding. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/07/2022 |
Actually the best teacher of all time. He is what is known as the GOAT. If you struggle in math, take his class, he does not move forward unless everyone understands the material and he is extremely clear when explaining problems. 10/10, would take his class again. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/07/2022 |
Super Helpful Professor. Probably the easiest A I've gotten in any math class. Like WOW. His notes are clear and concise and takes the step above for each of his students to succeed. |
David Pincus
MATH141 Expecting an A Anonymous 11/07/2022 |
Greatest professor of all time! Amazing teaching, makes sure you understand every concept before moving on. Lots of extra practice in-class. If you plan on taking 141 and you aren't taking Pincus, you are making a mistake. |
David Pincus
Anonymous 12/04/2021 |
David is a great TA by always going over the confusing lectures in discussion and summarizing the main concepts. While math isn't my best subject, David really goes the extra mile to make sure you understand the content. |