Information | Review |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/17/2024 |
I’m only giving a 4 because he cannot teach for the life of him. I stopped going to lecture after the first week and it never impacted my grade. If you’re confused he is able to explain well one on one but not a good lecturer. Anyway, his exams, worksheets, and quizzes are extremely easy. It helps to do his practice exams since they are literally the exam, just different numbers. I genuinely think it would be hard to get below a 90 in this class due to it being near common sense. Do the practice exams, are you’ll be fine. |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/16/2024 |
Very nice professor who wants us to succeed. He is very clear on what he expects on exams through his comments in class and through emails. He gives a good idea of what will be on the exams through his identical practice exam formats. There are also zoom reviews and class reviews before exams in which he walks through answers to the practice exams. Highly recommend. |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/15/2024 |
Professor Pirnapasov was a decent professor! He was extremely polite and patient with us, willing to pause and answer questions if any students were confused. He taught straight from the book, but then again, I remember him saying it was his first semester teaching at UMD. He has a thick accent but always tries to ensure we understand the key points. The only essentials to pass the class are to complete all discussion material (difficulty depending on TA, but both math and bio TAs were great this semester) and to study the exam study guides. As long as you completely understand how he arrives at the solutions, getting an A on each exam and in the class overall should be easy. And overall, I honestly found the other students in the class being more hard on him than he was with us. Again, please be patient with him. He's super sweet; just make sure to communicate if you don't understand something and everything will be okay. |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/14/2024 |
Can he teach? Mmmh not really and he’s kinda hard to follow, and sometimes his handwriting can be unclear. However, his tests are 100% fair and the monday discussions can be used to help understand certain concepts. We usually had quizzes every Monday except during exam week, there was review sessions before the test, and there’s no way to fail, unless you really put in zero. This is the easiest A+ I’ve ever achieved so far. Shout out to him |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/14/2024 |
Easiest A+ for a math class surprisingly, especially for this professor. I believe, from what he told me this one time when I talked to him privately one-on-one, he told me how this is his first semester teaching this course for this school and it shows from the way he taught the class. He is genuinely a very nice guy and is willing to run through problems with you and answer your questions, but his teaching style is very confusing for certain concepts throughout the course in my opinion. Although he has relative knowledge in calculus, he teaches them in longer ways and in depth, which yes, it is helpful, but it gets more and more confusing as he kept it going. He does not record lectures and does not post lecture notes since he doesn't really know how to navigate canvas all that well, but if you were to go to discussion, the TAs will be much more effective and helpful with the content given so please try to attend them! His homework assignments are not graded but worth for practice based on the textbook, so workload isn't insanely heavy. I recommend studying and working with someone for this class if you have this professor, including taking some time to self teach from the textbook on your own. He gives out a sample to prepare for his exams but honestly the formatting is exactly the same except the numbers differ on the actual exams, so they will be done in a breeze with enough practice prior to taking them. Overall, not too bad of a professor when it came to workload and what was given on the exams, but his teaching style can be hard to understand. This course requires knowledge on calculus to do well for MATH 136, so if you are not exposed to it as much, don't take this class! |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/12/2024 |
He is very nice and a very fair grader. But, he is not a good lecturer. It's an easy class if you've already taken a calculus class. Also, half of the lowest midterm is dropped and all midterms/final are identical to his midterm samples. Attend class leading up to the exams because he doesn't post midterm samples with answers. The TAs were great and are lifesavers. |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/11/2024 |
This was the easiest A+ ever, and I haven't taken Calc before. He has a thick accent and basically teaches straight from the textbook, but even so, I think he did an okay job teaching. The homework assignments were optional, but they were still good practice. Sometimes I felt like people were purposely trying not to understand what he was doing and complained about every little thing he did just because he wanted us to do it the long way instead of just doing something in two steps. Like, that's just part of the curriculum?!?! His practice exam questions are basically the exam but with different numbers. He also doesn't teach a lecture before the actual exam day and instead has a class just for working out the problems on the practice exam, showing us how to do them, which was very helpful. Just do the practice exams and make sure you understand the process for each one, and you're set. |
Abror Pirnapasov
MATH136 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/06/2024 |
If you've taken calc before it's an easy A, but if you haven't good luck. This man cannot teach to save his life, genuinely I don't think ive had someone so bad at teaching. All of the material is sooooo easy when it's actually explained, but dear god he can't explain it. The TA's were where I actually learned stuff. He grades fair on his exams, they're very straight forwards and he gives practice exams before the midterms which look identical to the actual midterm. He only changes the numbers really. He drops half of the lowest midterm, which boosts your grade a bit and he is very willing to look over exam questions you feel you should've gotten full points for. Morally and personality wise he's great, but cannot teach even if there was a gun to his head. He knows his stuff but he just can't explain it and his notes re very unorganized. The average on the midterms were 95%'s. |