Jingyi Qian

This professor has taught: BMGT220L
Information Review
Jingyi Qian

Expecting an A-
Professor Qian cares about her students and wants them to succeed. She wants you to focus on learning the information instead of your grades. She goes above and beyond by providing a packet of her lecture notes and detail slides so that during class students can just listen instead of frantically jotting notes down (because let’s be real, there is so much info 😭) There wasn’t a final, instead 3 midterms with the first two worth 20% and the last midterm making up 25% of your total grade. I felt that the class is manageable, however you do need to spend some time preparing for the exams. Definitely do the practice problems because they are like the real exams and if you're crazy like me, redo the practice problem 8 more times 💀. I am very fortunate to be taking her class as she enhances the overall learning experience and I felt that I learned a lot as someone with absolutely no prior knowledge in accounting.