Elizabeth Quinlan

This professor has taught: BIOL608Q, BIOL709A, BSCI279Q, BSCI353, NACS644, NACS728M, NACS898
Information Review
Elizabeth Quinlan

Expecting an A
I really liked Dr. Quinlan's lecture style. She is very precise in what she says and what she expects you to know. I really learned from her well. She comes off as being strict and can be an intimidating person, but she is very approachable and is willing to answer any questions you have for her. Her portion of this class was the second half, first half taught by Dr. Payne. Her material was really interesting! Before our final exam she gave out practice questions to work on and some of them were identical questions on the exam. If she gives you a practice set of questions then DO THEM and MEMORIZE THEM. I didn't need the book for her class. She is a really good teacher and I highly recommend you take her if you can.
Elizabeth Quinlan

I took BSCI453 (first two-thirds taught by Dr. Catherine Carr, last third taught by Dr. Quinlan). I really enjoyed Dr. Quinlan's lectures - they were very interesting and she presented material in an understandable way. I didn't have to rely heavily on the book when studying for her exam. She also required that we read a paper that used a methodology we learned about in class and write a summary, which I actually thought was a really good assignment to give us exposure to scientific literature. I don't think she teaches undergrads much, but I liked her a lot!