Adan Ramos

This professor has taught: ARCH300, ARCH400, ARCH401
Information Review
Adan Ramos

Expecting a B
Good instruction, but class and assignment expectations were unorganized. TAs grade very subjectively, critiques don’t align with actual grades, and Ramos treats this class as an intro to studio for grading criteria. Overall the assignments are more about spatial thinking and layout compared to 200 which is modeling, craft, and art skills. However, the con of this is the subjectivity and time management needed. Hard to get an A in this class but Ramos himself is likable and cares for students, but can’t change the structure.
Adan Ramos

Expecting an A
He's a nice guy, just not a very confident teacher or public speaker so it kinda feels like a undergrad student is teaching you. He's good about communicating what he's looking for in the moment but doesn't communicate that with the TA's so if you miss something or have questions the TAs are basically useless. He also doesn't respond to emails so good luck. This class is very much fight for yourself - so if you need detailed instructions constantly this class is pretty much hell.