Elizabeth Redcay

This professor has taught: NACS728X, NACS898, NACS899, PSYC309H, PSYC355, PSYC413, PSYC468H, PSYC611, PSYC789, PSYC798R, PSYC888A, PSYC899
Information Review
Elizabeth Redcay

Expecting an A+
TLDR- Kind professor, chill class. Grading- Exams were weighted 50% (2x15 for midterms and 20 for final). In class activities were easy and totaled 20%. Reading quizzes (online, 24%) and in class clickers (6%) rounded out the remaining 30%. Structure- Each week involved on average one reading quiz (online, due before class) and one in class activity (you can work with a partner and finish outside of class). Lectures were T/Th 1h15 but I swear they lasted for 3 hours - the lectures really tended to drag. Content- There are 7 themes that the course emphasizes in multiple contexts of developmental psychology. Dr Redcay focuses on these and it helps to tie everything together. Most of the essay questions on exams were related to themes, so make sure you understand and can apply them. I found the content interesting and varied. Professor- It is clear that Dr Redcay cares about teaching her class well in addition to her research (whereas some other professors clearly just care about their research). She had a mid-semester feedback survey and changed a few class aspects in response to student feedback (for example reading quiz due dates). She also made it so we could take exams outside of class due to internet connectivity issues in ESJ. I'm not sure if that will continue but still demonstrates that she is kind and receptive to feedback. Overall I would recommend!
Elizabeth Redcay

Expecting an A
The only downside to this class is that there is a LOT of reading--that being said, anyone who manages their time decently enough will be fine. Exams and reading quizzes are fair and she has a lot of resources to go to if you need help. Class content is relatively easy enough and although participation points are recorded, she tries to make lectures as engaging as she can. Overall, I fully recommend this class and professor!